Is there a way to cycle through your Favorites list, or a playlist. Like a "Next" button?

Could you also consider adding an alternate large version of the widget for use while driving? an "Xiialive - Main (Large)" widget? The current Next/Previous buttons are pretty small targets to tap with just a brief look when you're keeping your eyes on the road. It works better for changing stations than separate shortcuts to a lot of favorites, but I still frequently miss.
Hopefully it wouldn't take much extra coding, maybe just use a larger image resource with the current widget's code.
It seems the Android Home screen has an 8 rows x 4 columns grid for widgets (at least on my phone) and your "Main" widget occupies 2 rows x 4 columns. What if you also had a larger 4x4 version, with LARGE Previous/Next buttons in the 2 bottom rows (2 rows x 2 columns each) that would be easy to tap without looking closely? The top row could have the Play/Stop button (and maybe also a Tag button), with the Station/Song info in the 2nd row as a buffer zone for slightly off target taps.
I have Xiialive version 2.2.2 on a Sprint HTC Evo Shift 4G

If this feature is completed, where do I find the button? The main app doesn't show any media control buttons, just stop. The widget has a next button, but that one skips to the next favorite.
How can I skip to the next song in the same playlist?

When will the next button be added to the app. This is the only thing that is holding me up from buying it. Really want the feature to be able to go next through my favorites list.

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