Will be answered

Retries (new version)

Brien 13 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 13 років тому 0
The new release works is considerbly better playing stresming audio in a mobile environment. The piece that is missing is an option for unlimited retries since no cellular service has contiguous coverage even in a large city. Timeouts even in your latest version are still an issue.



Will be answered
Thanks for your feedback! We will at least increase the amount of retries for next update if not add the option to retry unlimited.

The end goal is to provide easy access via the player to toggle the retries to a count or unlimited.
Will be answered
Thanks for your feedback! We will at least increase the amount of retries for next update if not add the option to retry unlimited.

The end goal is to provide easy access via the player to toggle the retries to a count or unlimited.