Trying to connect to weei radio and it times out.
Searched for and found my station. Weei FM out of Boston. However it tries to connect and won't. Unsuccessful in multiple attempts. Tunein streams this station fine. Can this be fixed?
I am on a Moto X running the latest android is.
I am on a Moto X running the latest android is.

Jona (Lead Developer) 10 лет назад
I just tried searching for "WEEI" and I was able to find two stations. The first one played fine while the other seems to be down. Please try again. Let me know how it works for you.

I just tried searching for "WEEI" and I was able to find two stations. The first one played fine while the other seems to be down. Please try again. Let me know how it works for you.

When I searched yesterday I found both stations and neither worked. I did try again this morning and one does seem to be working while the other one is not. Not sure what changed since yesterday. When a station won't connect on one app but does on another is that a problem with the app itself or the station? Thank you for taking the time to respond.

The issue is most of the time the station server. Some cases it could be down or the address could have changed. This requires the station owners to update their information on the UberStations directory. Sometimes the UberStations guys update stations manually when they go bad. Hopefully, the station continues to work fine for you.
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