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Shortcuts to autheticated stream

Nic Nay 11 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому 0

I am connecting to a stream that requires authentication (username and password) and Xiialive pro is connecting nicely to it.  I can also save it as a favorite and this works. However, making a home-shortcut to the favorite, results in the app saying "invalid url".  I am trying to set this up for an elderly lady, and this needs to be very simple for her (even searching under favorites is confuses her) 

Would really appreciate any ideas


Є відповідь
Thanks for your feedback. Shortcuts currently don't support storing the authentication data for security reasons. I will look into this to see if I can include authentication data securely.

I'm not sure why you would get invalid URL after clicking on the shortcut. I would have thought at worst it would ask for the username and password again. Could you reproduce the issue and right after go to XiiaLive->Settings and press on "Bug report". This should hopefully provide enough details to figure out what is going on.
Є відповідь
Thanks for your feedback. Shortcuts currently don't support storing the authentication data for security reasons. I will look into this to see if I can include authentication data securely.

I'm not sure why you would get invalid URL after clicking on the shortcut. I would have thought at worst it would ask for the username and password again. Could you reproduce the issue and right after go to XiiaLive->Settings and press on "Bug report". This should hopefully provide enough details to figure out what is going on.