Add recording feature
Well...those posts are 2 years old. What has happened?
I would love to use your app more if I was given the ability to record while on wifi, and then take my phone with me and listen to it on the road. I drive about two hours a day, and that would just use up WAY too much of my data plan to use your app through my mobile data during that time.

We have wanted to have recording for the longest I admit! The main issue is not enough resources to get it done quickly. Its always been one developer, me, doing support and coding :P But... I'm already actively planning and writing code to be able to record.
It would be great to hear how you envision the recording feature to work on XiiaLive. It's one of the features I'm excited about since it covers a lot of new code and a new improved stream engine.

Hi Jona,
Thanks for the reply.
Here is is info:
1 - I want to be able to record at least 2 channels at the same time, over wifi of course.
2 - I should be able to schedule the recordings, and set how long I would like the recording to be.
3 - Any new recordings of the same channel would just overwrite the previous recordings.
4 - I would like to see the ability to record at least 3-4 hours for each recording for long road trips.
My usage:
I would record overnight. Take my phone with me in the car, and listen to my recording while on the road, without using my mobile data up. I currently use it for listening to OTR & Talk Radio stuff.
Hope that helps. I was using your app very heavily at first, but had to reduce my usage due to the amount of mobile data I was finding myself using. Would love to start using it more again if you can get recording working.

Recording 2 channels... not much use generally speaking. Overwriting previous recording? Undesirable for me, so just easier to allo user to choose a naming scheme: if you choose a fixed name the file will be overwritten, if you choose a variable (i.e. date-time) naming scheme the file won't be overwritten.
But getting the recording feature ASAP is a priority, I thing. Though I don't use it ;)

Resources? Do you need NASA resources to get lift-off with tnis? Sorry, but enough of the excuses. Clearly, you either can't be bothered or you just don't know how to do it. But one thing's for sure, without recording it's a crippled app. And you've got a cheek to ask for money for a Pro version without a recording option.

Nothing happend.
Currently, i would love get my money back.

So i think its no Problem to create a record plugin BUT the Team dont work more on this Option, Why? K i use extern Apk to record but wish me a record plugin i pay it and the Apk Service is ok BUT But but .... give the rec plugin plz 3€ is ca. 2,30$ for a Standart App mhmh whats happened? @Team .

it's 2016 now and there is still no recording. Why developer starts to ignore us now. they can't even fix simple things i want to fix.

I just paid for the Pro option and I can tell you, the last thing I want is a record feature.
As an old internet radio broadcaster I know that the streaming radio stations are obligated to diligently block stream rippers.
Once an app is known to be able to be used as a stream ripper (record), then the app will become blacklisted and MANY internet radio stations will prevent you from connecting to them.
I personally like the wide variety of streams available to this app currently. I would hate to see that change.
If you need music for the road, buy a 32gig or 64gig microsd card and buy mp3 music and use something like PowerAmp to play them when you don't have wifi available.
Please don't kill the best streaming app by getting it black listed by the RIAA.
If you must add recording, please make it a separate different named and tagged app.

Hmmm good question. I really dont know.
Could toss out some guesses, but thats all they would be is guesses.
First thought is maybe there is a difference between stream ripping and recording as for what is acceptable?
The other thought I had is based on the fact that its been several years since I was in the internet radio segment. Maybe things have laxed a bit on it all?
I do know wiiradio previous to the last release didnt have stream ripping and I didnt have problems connecting to any shoutcast streams. Then after the last release where the developer added stream ripping, certain stations reject connections with that client but not say winamp android.
Really though, I dont know why tune-in is allowed recording.

i think Tunein encrypts the recording so that's why Tunein is allowed recording

Hey guys, very interesting topic. I'm no lawyer and have no lawyer to give me their input. But last time I looked into this it wasn't a problem if the content wasn't redistributable. Essentially work like a DVR. The content would need to be locked from re-distribution.
This is a tricky area that does require some checks with the law. That and the fact that time isn't on my side this feature is on the back burner... :( with features such as Android Auto and Chromecast being much higher priority. :)

Some station should request recording to be disabled if recording feature exist like Hulu and Xfinity app disables screenshot and recording on Lollipop 5.x

just look at Audials... its recording plain mp3s.
Recording is no issue, as long as you are not redistributing for commercial purposes

been an XiiaLive Pro supporter for years, recently found a new free app (PlayTime Radio) and the devs said they are going to add encrypted recording very soon. I have both installed, don't get me wrong. XiiaLive because I'm used to the interface and has my favorite stations collected over the years, so I use it to listen to stations. PlayTime for discovering new songs as they're more song-centric (and has a beautiful and simple interface).
There are also apps like Audials and Internet Radio Recorder but not sure if they'll get into legal trouble/blocked as they export as .mp3 files with totally no protection.
also, can confirm TuneIn encrypts and saves their files (in the folder /data/data/radiotime.player/cache/(some numbers) if anybody wants to check it out) and they don't seem to be blocked by many radio stations, if any. Totally regret buying TuneIn now that it's become bloated and greedy though.
Jona: personally would prefer recording over android auto and chromecast actually, but it's your app (and you're one of the best devs ever) so will respect your decisions.

There are a lot of recording software that is open source online.
Customer support service by UserEcho
We have wanted to have recording for the longest I admit! The main issue is not enough resources to get it done quickly. Its always been one developer, me, doing support and coding :P But... I'm already actively planning and writing code to be able to record.
It would be great to hear how you envision the recording feature to work on XiiaLive. It's one of the features I'm excited about since it covers a lot of new code and a new improved stream engine.