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Very Buggy on Xperia X10 mini pro

Анонім 14 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 13 років тому 2
hi, i have been uing xiia on milestone and it pas perfect. bought the pro version. No i switched to xperia x10 mini pro and it became very buggy. My fav stream run from m3u can't start any more. many other favourites just crash the app.


Є відповідь

Thanks for the feedback. Im gonna try to get a hold of one of the devices. What exactly are you having issues with? Crashing or streaming? Or both i guess...


Closing this post.  Please let me know if you are still having issues.

Hey, i have a Xperia X10 mini too. Xiia looks cool, but it crashes all the time. very unstable.
Please install the latest version of XiiaLive. Should work much better.
Є відповідь

Thanks for the feedback. Im gonna try to get a hold of one of the devices. What exactly are you having issues with? Crashing or streaming? Or both i guess...


Closing this post.  Please let me know if you are still having issues.