Under review

Stability Issues on Galaxy S3

Vince fa 12 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 12 anys 2

 XiiaLive Pro

A couple of minor issues that affect Galaxy S3 I9305 running 4.1.1, but not Galaxy S running 2.3.6 (tested on stock ROMs with no other apps installed).

1) Smart recovery is not as effective. Running a Shoutcast 128kbps stream, it will drop out within ~2 seconds after connection loss. On the Galaxy S it will continue for ~15 seconds with no connection, as expected.

2) The app will often half freeze with a choppy connection. By that I mean it will not continue playing the stream, even when the connection returns. It will open/close and respond to menu touches, but not Rewind, Stop, Play/Pause, or Forward. The only way to get it functioning again is to either clear the app from the memory with Task Manager, or hold the Stop button until the bottom of the app reads "SERVICE CRASHED!". It then responds as normal.


Under review

1. When you say drop out do you mean the stream gets restarted or does the audio just goes out and buffering state is active? This is an area I'm planning to improve on a new and improved stream engine I'm working on.

2. Could you try to reproduce the freeze issue and collect the logs? Could potentially allow me to see where things could be going bad... 


Under review

1. When you say drop out do you mean the stream gets restarted or does the audio just goes out and buffering state is active? This is an area I'm planning to improve on a new and improved stream engine I'm working on.

2. Could you try to reproduce the freeze issue and collect the logs? Could potentially allow me to see where things could be going bad... 


Hi, I have sent an email with the title "Re: Stability Issues on Galaxy S3".

Thanks for the email. I have looked at the logs but unfortunately they are all chopped.  The reason is that after Android 4.1 collecting logs have been blocked by new Android permissions. :/ I have searched to figure out a way to collect logs but I haven't found a great way yet...

I really want to figure out why the pause is happening. I'll try to see if I can get a hold of an S3 to test on.