2 Applications Always Start on Bluetooth Remote Control
XIIAlive is a great program, but now that the program interfaces with bluetooth remote control in my car I end up with 2 programs always starting music. The Music program native on my Droid1, and XIIAlive both start playing music when I push play. Is there a way to control which program gets bluetooth remote control so that when I push "play" on my bluetooth connected device I get only 1 program playing music?

I have the same issue. Sometimes, not always, the stock music player will start playing (in addition to xiaa) when I press the play button on my blue tooth headset. I think this only occurs when xiia is not the last used/active application on my phone.
The workaround for this is to remove the stock music player, but that may not be an option for everyone.
This is on a HTC Glacier, if it matters.
The workaround for this is to remove the stock music player, but that may not be an option for everyone.
This is on a HTC Glacier, if it matters.

"The workaround for this is to remove the stock music player, but that may not be an option for everyone."
Can XIIAlive play my music located on my SD card. I don't see that option on the lite version. Also I don't think I can remove the "Music" app on my Droid1.
Can XIIAlive play my music located on my SD card. I don't see that option on the lite version. Also I don't think I can remove the "Music" app on my Droid1.

Could you try turning off the setting under "User experience" called "media controls" see if that helps... Thanks!

This is a real pita. With my bluetooth headset if I change tracks it launches xiialive and causes both programs to play. this is bad

Currently if you don't want XiiaLive to take over you can go under settings and disable that option. As of now on some phones even when XiiaLive is the selected as the main media control default other apps take over controls aggressively and you get the 2 application playing... We are trying to figure out how we can avoid this from happening...

I also use Power Amp. I want my headphone controls to work with power amp, but not with xiia. There seems to be no way to disable this in xiia, which is an unacceptable situation. Power Amp offers it as an option. I use xiia once in a blue moon. But I hate it every single day for starting when I don't want it to. I can not believe I paid good money for this.

Thanks for your feedback it really helps us become better! :-) I don't want this new feature to be a problem for users. Have you tried disabling the media controls option under settings? Please let me know I really want to understand the issue so that I can resolve it ASAP.

OK. I must have turned off something. I was playing around with the settings in User Experience. I have turned off everything at this point and that seems to have done it. Oh, happy days. I like Shoutcast and wanted to keep Xiia, really I did. Thank you. But maybe you could label that setting a little better? I am not a computer novice. I tried to turn off what made sense, but none of those settings seem to cover the issue. I still don't know what did it and I'm not going to fiddle around with them to find out, because I use my other media apps 10x more often. Thank you for being so responsive.

Thats great! You turned off a setting under "User experience" called "media controls". Please do suggest better wording if you have one :) We are open to suggestions! :)

Turning off both Auto Play and Auto Stop do not prevent my headset next track button from starting a Xiialive over the top of my music app and begin playing.

The auto play and auto stop are there for automatic resume and stop of a stream when the device pairs to the registered BT device. To turn off the actual media controls go to settings -> User experience and select Media Controls to off. Please let me know if that does the trick....

Thanks XIIAlive Team, I went to "Settings" -> "User experience" -> "media controls" set to "off" and this cured the problem. I can still go to my favorite website to find live radio (http://tuned.mobi) and XIIAlive will start playing the stream. In the mean time my car bluetooth controls only start the "Music" app. I haven't remembered to try bluetooth start or stop commands while XIIAlive is playing to find out what happens. I will try this shortly and report back.

FYI, the auto start and stop is there for automatically resuming playback when your phone pairs with the car BT device and when BT disconnects streaming would stop automatically. This is very convenient when streaming regularly while driving... It makes it less of a hassle.

That Button doesnt works in new version, does NOT desactiveted the bluetooth control, I resolve it going back to previous version! I have HTC Desire!

Thanks for letting us know. There seems to be an issue with that on this update. We are working to resolve and send out a new update in the next 1-2 weeks.

Is there a way to go back to the previous version? Otherwise I will need to uninstall XiiaLive until the problem is fixed.

I use File Expert that make backups of all app or selected ones, there was how i got back to previous version that doesnt have the problem!

We are investigating... Thanks for your feedback!
Update 02/21/11:
There is an option to disable XiiaLive from taking over the media controls under Settings "User experience" -> "media controls" to OFF. However there are a couple few details we need to resolve.
Update 06/01/11:
Update v2.1.9 has resolved this issue.
Customer support service by UserEcho
We are investigating... Thanks for your feedback!
Update 02/21/11:
There is an option to disable XiiaLive from taking over the media controls under Settings "User experience" -> "media controls" to OFF. However there are a couple few details we need to resolve.
Update 06/01/11:
Update v2.1.9 has resolved this issue.