Dine kommentarer

haha.... :) thanks for your support! our paypal account is visualblasters@gmail.com. Thanks!
We are actually working on using the ffmpeg library to stream everything it supports. I hope to have a beta sometime this month. To us this is extremely high priority! Android Media framework is getting incredibly out of hand and it's just waist of time trying to patch every time a new Android release is put out. So in short yes, we are working on a new stream engine that doesn't depend on the poor Android Media Framework.
Thanks for the great feedback! Yes, that looks horrible! We want to add a better layout for that very soon. It a matter of how fast our part-time graphic designer can pull off a design for tablets. For sure we do have this in our plans, and would like it to be out during spring in the USA.
Can you go into the edit mode and verify that the HTTP PD Proxy are set to all 0? You might want to try restarting your device.
Thanks for the confirmation! :)
Yes, XiiaLive does use WiFi connection.

Have you tried using the latest release of XiiaLive? Please let us know if with the latest version 2.1.6 you are still seeing issues.
Danke für das Feedback. Dies ist etwas, was wir auf dem nächsten Update wird das Hinzufügen.
Thanks for your feedback! Tagging using some special key is definitely a great idea. We where previously suggested to make the phones camera button a tagging action. Your idea seems interesting and we will see how we can use the current BT supported controls allow such feature work.
We have recently released XiiaLive v2.1.6 which contains open API beta support. With this you can now create your own widgets that work with XiiaLive and publish them on the Android Market.

Check here for more details:
Currently when streaming AAC stations we have implemented a great sync system with metadata. I'm guessing this is an MPEG station?

The reason why other players seem to sync the metadata better could be because of a few different reasons. The one most likely is that we provide larger buffers. You could try lowering the buffer lengths to their minimum and see if the issue is corrected. Note that only Paid version allows buffering changes.

Kundesupport af UserEcho