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Perfect! Thanks for taking the time to investigate! So, the keys you are getting aren't supported by the app... But no worries I have just updated it and should be part of the next update we are doing very soon!
Thanks for your feedback!  Yes, we do realize SHOUTcast directory is not as complete and we are working on a few ideas to resolve that.

I don't think it's possible to import stations from TuneIn, however, in the mean time you could go to vtuner.com and find your station there.  Than you will be prompted to open it with XiiaLive.  Save it as a favorite and you are set! :)

New huge update is to be release soon! Alarm feature will be included on this release :).
This is definitively a great idea.   That should be the behavior.  I will set this as planned. Thanks for your feedback! 
We don't store the streamed content. The total network received is how much data you have read from an outside network, the internet.  So, you don't have to worry about XiiaLive storing streamed content on your phone.
Pasa que sos de RiBer! :P Estas usando el app or what! :?
Are you trying to play local files? Cause if that's the case I'm not sure we have that working :P  I believe the slashes doesn't matter they will be read properly by the app.
What I see the ogg playlist returns is none valid URL links:
Tantric/Live Your Life (Down).ogg
Tantric/I Don't Care.ogg
Tantric/I'll Stay Here.ogg
Tantric/All To Myself.ogg
Tantric/Hate Me.ogg
Tantric/Inside Your Head.ogg
Thanks for the information will checkout those links...
Hey Mattew, I tried your ogg link on my PC but it doesn't work. Is it a valid link? In regards to a fix well we are working on v3.0.0 update. It's a big update! So for that version I'm not sure if this will be fixed since we are trying to finish ASAP... no ETA for release yet.  However we will be revamping the stream engine and we will try to resolve this bug.