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Are you still having issues? Please provide more details such as the URL you are using to connect. Thanks!
The URL is simply no longer available. The server seem to have moved. The reason you get that error is because the server redirects to a webpage which has invalid data and XiiaLive can't recognize it as audio data.
I have looked into the URL you provided and I was able to properly play it.

Couple notes:
- The URL should be http://music.newnormalmusic.com/listen.pls not http://music.newnormalmusic.com
- Please make sure you are using the latest version of XiiaLive v3.2.0.7.
Hey, yes Amazon version is behind due to some issues we had with their testing and approval. Hopefully, I should get it approved and released in the next couple of days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi, thanks for the post about this bug. We currently have a bug where the audio is lost when switching to certain apps. We are looking into the issue and hope to resolve it soon.
Thanks for your suggestion. We have planned to start looking into some redesign modifications to include station art and song art. It might take a little while to have this feature in but it is something we would like to have.
Hey sorry for the delayed response! I just verified your URL and it is working correctly. We have had some issues on previous releases of XiiaLive but we have resolved various issues and potentially your station was experiencing one of those issues. Please let me know if you are still having problems with our latest release v3.2.0.7. Thanks!
At the moment my idea is to allow importing a text file with all the URLs you want to import in a space or comma delimited format.

So you would have:
http://12312312323 http://asdasdsa/asdasd.m3u etc...

Then all URLs will be processed and imported automatically. What you guys think of that? If you have more details or ideas on this area let me know.
Hey! Sorry for not responding any sooner. I'm a one person team so it is a little difficult to answer quickly. :(

I'll try to look into this issue see what could be going on. It would help big time if you could do a bug report when the issue happens again. So what you would do is, once the app closes on its own open the app again and quickly go to settings and tap on bug report. This will prepare an email. That should hopefully help me out see what exactly is going on.