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Do you mind emailing me your xml backup? I would like to take a look.  support@xiialive.com. Thanks!
Oh, ok so it used to work for you using a previous version of Xiia. I'll be looking at this to try to figure out what's wrong.
Do you see the the restored favorite items but you can't play them? Or it just didn't restore anything?  If it didn't restore anything did you see an error while it was restoring your favorites?
Couple questions for you:
1. What device do you have and what version of Android is it running.
2. Is you stream AAC format?
3. Does this issue happen with all streams or just yours?
Hey Alex, I went ahead and canceled the order. Should be good to go! :)  Thanks a lot for your support! It always helps to have users that care about our app! :)  I really don't want this project to die ether! hehe it's my full-time job! :) This is app I created with my brother and I'm the only only working on it fulltime.
It might be... but I'm thinking this issue could also be happening via none WiFi connections.  I think this issue is due to an optimization to save battery gone wrong :P

If you are running the beta version of Xiia you could unlock the screen and right away check the show baudrate on the top left side of the player.  If the baudrate is lower than the station bitrate than the network speed dropped while the screen was off...
Will be fixed for sure! :)