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We are planning to do an update this month, Feb, to fix few bugs and add this feature back as an option.
Open APIs Beta description and java file can be found here:

If you find it difficult to understand or have some suggestions please let us know! :)
Is tversity a music file streamer? What exactly broke? You can't stream at all? Please let us know more details... Maybe you can start a new thread for this particular issue. Thanks! :)
Thanks for the feedback! We had in mind aggressive headset controls when we implemented it since many apps are doing that and well that kinda stinks... However we have added an option under settings that allows you to turn off XiiaLive from being the default headset controls.
This feature loops through your favorites. Make sure you have a few favorites.
Something very important to note which I didn't post on the release notes. Next/Prev buttons take you to the next or prev favorite. The Fast forward and rewind buttons are used to skip the playlist items. It could be possible you are using the fast forward and rewind buttons...?
I got the logs and looked over them. The issue is the exact same one with Android 2.3. :( We are still investigating the issue. As it seems this is a bug on the Android OS with RTSP which is a protocol we use for streaming AAC content.
Thanks for the feedback. I will look into this and see if I can add an option to control internal volume or phones volume option under settings.
We are working to add support for a lot of formats and part of those are OGG. The current support for OGG wasn't ready for release so it had to be excluded. Hopefully next update I have this feature. Possibly towards end of Feb.
I added the support for the larger screen but than realized how distorted the whole player looked. Didn't have enough time to resolve that. Will have this supported on the next update hopefully sometime February.