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Hey thanks for the feedback! Are you using the FFmpeg stream engine? If you are can you test with the Android stream engine? If you aren't using FFmpeg stream engine could you try streaming AAC and MPEG content so see if any of those formats are played correctly?

Hey thanks for the feedback! Are you using the FFmpeg stream engine? If you are can you test with the Android stream engine? If you aren't using FFmpeg stream engine could you try streaming AAC and MPEG content so see if any of those formats are played correctly?

Skipping commercials feature is something we most likely not be adding since it is a bit difficult to provide such feature.

About skipping to the next song you can simply tap on a cue point and the seek position will move to the start of the song. Please see more about the seek bar here:

Thanks for letting me know the cause. It might be also somewhat related to this issue:

Please try restarting your device. This generally fixes the issue. The EQ might break if XiiaLive is ever forced killed by task killer applications. The EQ is a feature provided by Android and when it breaks it is a OS issue.  That is why we are looking into creating our own EQ that should never break :)

The provided URL is only to a website and not an actual radio station. Try asking the radio station for a direct link to their station.

Could you provide us with some more details about the issue?

  1. What error you see?
  2. What device you have and what version of Android is it running?

This feature has been added on previous releases. Thanks!

What device do you have and what version of Android does it have?

So Pandora and Spotify are very different apps compared to XiiaLive. Essentially those apps connect to a server and download the file that will be played on your device. With XiiaLive it is connecting to a live broadcasting station. The difference is that when the internet connection is dropped Pandora/Spotify can reconnect and continue the download without any problems, while XiiaLive reconnects but most likely would have lost some live radio content.

We have something to improves the experience with Smart Recovery. This tries to reconnect automatically and stitch a connection.

You can always reach us for these types of inquires via Unfortunately at this moment we don't have enough time to work on side projects. However hopefully soon we can do that.