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Oh! I see what is happening... Currently we aren't handling errors properly, so you see no EQ bars when something fails.  It seems that the Audio FXs are failing to initialize on your device. It's a known issue.  We are still looking to fix it.  Possibly be releasing a v3.0.06 today with a potential fix for that...

Are you using the latest version of the beta? v3.0.0.05? It should stay on if you left it on...

The beta should already support the unlock screen player controls but apparently there is a bug there... :/  We do have widgets with the following set of buttons play/stop/next/prev and play/stop/tag.  However soon we will create much better widgets with more options!

Do you have the same issue with XiiaLive Lite?

So you are using the beta version? I would recommend you find a station via XiiaLive and click it to start playback right after you get the issue reproduced you collect the error logs. http://support.xiialive.com/topic/38494-how-to-collect-error-logs/

Thanks so much for your post! The next official release will be what you are seeing in the beta version.  I think it's awesome you like Xiia!  The stream should be a lot more stable since we have created a new method of maintaining a stream connected.  It improves the common dropouts by over 80%!

The stable release was scheduled to be released few weeks back but we keep getting delayed because we find new bugs or things parts of the app that are missing things.  We kinda want a perfect update! :)  But we might have to settle for a betaish update and start updating it more often.

Bug is not present on XiiaLive Beta to be the next release.

We keep a wake lock once a play request is received and we don't release it until playback request has reached unlimited retries or the user has hit stop.

I'm thinking this could potentially be an issue with the custom ROM you are using. Some devices I've seen don't handle the power locks properly. For example HTC Wildfire.  Are you running the latest CM7 ROM? If you are active on their dev forums you should post an issue about this...

I'll still look around to try to figure out if somehow we have a bug but I'm sure we don't in this particular area.

Could you try streaming other stations to see if they have the same issue? I would recommend trying AAC and MPEG station... I'm thinking AAC stations are the ones with the issue?

Kundesupport af UserEcho