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Posting new bugs

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Common details we need:
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  2. What OS version is it running?
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Bluetooth AVRCP metadata not working Samsung Note 3

Jamey Sewell vor 11 Jahren in Bluetooth / AVRCP aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren 29 1 duplikat
I use to be able to see Art, Song, and Artist information on my MyLink screen Chevy Equinox 2013 when using Droid Bionic (Jelly Bean). I recently switched to Samsung Note 3 and now the information doesn't show anymore. Please help

Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren

To summarize this post:

Previous release of XiiaLive we decided to disable the Bluetooth AVRCP metadata "HACK" for Android versions 4.3 and greater. The reason was that since Android 4.3 Android OS made some APIs available to send metadata over Bluetooth using a legit API. However, it seems that some devices fail to properly support the new APIs and for that reason we have re-enabled the "HACK" on the latest release.

The "HACK" can be enabled if not already enabled here:

XiiaLive->Settings->App control->AVRCP metadata


AVRCP notification of connection failure

Philip Elcan vor 11 Jahren in Bluetooth / AVRCP aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren 0

When XiiaLive can't connect to a station, it would be nice to update the AVRCP data to indicate that.

Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren

It is a very neat idea. I have added this to our ideas/future features. Thanks for sharing!


AVRCP with CM 10.2

Pooya Torabi vor 11 Jahren in Bluetooth / AVRCP aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren 2

Hi , 

since upgrading to CM 10.2 (Android 4.3) AVRCP has not worked, anyone else is having this issue? it works fine with Apollo Music player or other apps supporting AVRCP just not Xiialive. using the latest Pro version.


Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren

Since Android 4.3 bluetooth AVRCP metadata is sent via the same APIs used to update the lock screen player. Turning [OFF] lock screen controls will most likely cause metadata to stop being sent over AVRCP.   

Please note that after Android 4.3 having lock screen controls and AVRCP metadata hack turned [ON] could cause issues. Please experiment with those two settings to see how your device behaves.

Wird überprüft

Bluetooth AVRCP does not work on my LG Optimus G Pro

Rick Birkett vor 11 Jahren in Bluetooth / AVRCP aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren 4

It works with other apps, just not XiiaLive Pro. Any Ideas?

Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren
I have resolved this issue on previous release v3.0.3. Please let me know if this is working properly for you.