Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.
Please post under one of the following:
If you have a question or idea, start by typing it in the box provided and search below under similar topics to see if you can find an answer. If you don’t find an answer then simply post a new question or idea.
If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.
Posting new bugs
When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
- What device do you have?
- What OS version is it running?
- What happened?
- What did you expect to have happened?
- What steps reproduce the issue?
Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!

Add recording feature
Well...those posts are 2 years old. What has happened?
I would love to use your app more if I was given the ability to record while on wifi, and then take my phone with me and listen to it on the road. I drive about two hours a day, and that would just use up WAY too much of my data plan to use your app through my mobile data during that time.

We have wanted to have recording for the longest I admit! The main issue is not enough resources to get it done quickly. Its always been one developer, me, doing support and coding :P But... I'm already actively planning and writing code to be able to record.
It would be great to hear how you envision the recording feature to work on XiiaLive. It's one of the features I'm excited about since it covers a lot of new code and a new improved stream engine.

The player randomly stopped for no reason
Xiialive Pro starts to randomly stops the player for no reason. My internet connection is working fine and my device have enough RAM storage. No matter if the screen is on/off and how long it cached, it just randomly stop for no reason.
Please download my saved logs

Various changes went in v3.3.1.6 with fixes for playback stopping randomly. At the moment this issue has been resolved. Any further issues resolving random playback stop let's start a new post this one will be locked.

Verbally command Google Now to launch XiiaLive Pro and play a station
How can I verbally command Google Now to launch XiiaLive Pro and play a specified favorite station? I'd like to use Google Now voice commands to launch the XiiaLive Pro app and begin playing a specified previously saved station.

It has been a while since this was posted here. However, recently Google Now and Google Assistant seem to be allowing apps to take advantage of their features. I can't promise when but I have set this feature request as nice to have.

Ability to Sync Favorites, Recently Played, etc across multiple devices.
Is there anyway to sync your favorites, etc across multiple devices, or could you add such feature? (Maybe even as a PRO Feature?)

Great request! We have already started this feature development. Definitively is a feature we really want to have specially for cases you are mentioning. We currently don't have an expected release date for this feature but for sure you will see it on XiiaLive!

licence verification issue when not on wifi
nexus 5
What OS version is it running?
What happened?
licence can't be verified when not on wifi
What did you expect to have happened?
my radio station to play
What steps reproduce the issue?
use any connection but wifi

Hey guys, the mentioned issues should be resolved. If for some reason you are still having issues please let us know.

Stream doesn't stop correctly after bluetooth disconnect
Instead, it stays on my notifications as 'paused'. This caused another problem - after finishing work hours later I try to get back but with the BBC using temporary hashes on their streams this doesn't work. So I have to do a manual stop, wait a bit, then restart.
So there's a couple of requests here:
1. Have an option for closing the app completely on bluetooth disappearing.
2. Even if the station is in 'paused' state, after a short period of time reload the playlist and get the latest hash.
Thanks for a great app, far better than how TuneIn have ruined theirs with this social networking malarkey!

Bluetooth streaming broken on latest release (3.01 on ATT SGS3)
When the stream finishes buffering, I heard audio for 2-3 seconds, before the audio stream cuts out. XiiaLive continues to play through the active stream, but no audio is heard. On previous versions, this was fine.
The audio seems to cut out right as the stream meta data rolls across the Android notification bar. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the newly added AVRCP support or not, but the timing looks very suspicious. This problem does not occur when using headphones.
Additional Information:
Samsung Galaxy S3
Android Version 4.04 - Stock/Unrooted
XiiaLive Pro version 3.01
Vehicle Subaru Legacy 2012

Sorry for the super delayed reply!
First let's see if possibly the new AVRCP 1.3 hack broke BT streaming.
- Turn off the Icy-metadata option under Settings->Stream and try starting a new stream. Let me know if the issue still happens. This should cause AVRCP not to be used by the app since no metadata will be active.
After that test regardless if an issue still occurs try collecting the logs right after the issue happens when streaming. This hopefully will allow me to see a possible cause.

'Unsupported Media'. Help!
Suddenly in the middle of the night I hear the dreaded thunking sound and the message indicates unsupported media. What does that mean? I need my comedy programs in the night! Galaxy S-III

Bluetooth AVRCP metadata not working Samsung Note 3

To summarize this post:
Previous release of XiiaLive we decided to disable the Bluetooth AVRCP metadata "HACK" for Android versions 4.3 and greater. The reason was that since Android 4.3 Android OS made some APIs available to send metadata over Bluetooth using a legit API. However, it seems that some devices fail to properly support the new APIs and for that reason we have re-enabled the "HACK" on the latest release.
The "HACK" can be enabled if not already enabled here:
XiiaLive->Settings->App control->AVRCP metadata

Alarm is not being triggered
Xiia was the first real cool app on my smartphone...and because of that I bought the pro version.
Everything works so cool...and I never had any problems! But since a few days... the alarm clock is not working correct anymore! Sometimes the alarm dont start in the morning though I have set the alarm everyday to 8 o`clock!
I noticed that everytime I went to bed I must go to --> Settings--> Alarms and then I must save the alarm settings again so that it really works in the morning! Thats a real strange behaviour! Do you know that problem????
Among other I bought Xiia because of that cool alarm fetaure!!!
My Device: Jiayu G3T
Many thanks in advance for your help!

We have released v3.3.1.3 which contains various small fixes for the Alarms. If you are still having issues please let us know.
Customer support service by UserEcho