Welcome to the official XiiaLive support forum! You can ask questions and get direct support from the developer.

Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

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If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.

Posting new bugs

When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.

Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

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pls integrate mirrorlink for car usage

Thomas Gelsdorf vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 8 Jahren 2
Mirrorlink Sees to be the upcomming Standard for car Integration. My New skoda fabia Has IT already integrateD.
Jona (Lead Developer) vor 8 Jahren

Hi Thomas! Apologies for our late response. At this time the one that we'll be supporting is the Android Auto. Maybe in the future we'll look into integrating Mirrorlink with the app. Thank you!

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Answering calls while streaming

Adam_Wozniak vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von Ralph vor 9 Jahren 1
Hi, I have been consistently experiencing problems with different releases of XiiaLive Pro (currently using v3.3). Whenever I listen to a radio stream and somebody calls me, I get the stream pause as expected, but I cannot hear anything at all. I am told that they other party can hear me all-right. This happens in 100% of cases. I am using HTC Desire SV (Android 4.0). Please note, that this is similar to a previously reported bug: http://support.xiialive.com/topic/535344-lg-enact-phone-call-audio-stops-working-after-playing-over-bluetooth/, but has not been solved for me by newer releases of the App.

Would love a tasty Win desktop app!

SunShine_K vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren 0

How about a nice desktop app for Win7 (or 8 even) that I can use to listen to XiiaLive all day long???

Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren

We have plans for win8 app! :) I have no estimated time when we would have it complete but once we do for sure we will post it on our facebook and twitter accounts.


Nexus 7 Widget bug

krisyadao vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren 1

Is not rendered properly on stock launcher.

Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren

Thanks for your post. We are aware of the issue and will try to figure out how to resolve this issue.

Wird überprüft

Always visible "Home" button for Beta

jediguy vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren 0
Having used your previous version extensively, I found it convenient to be able touch the XiiaLive banner that was present on most parts of the previous version to return to the home screen quickly.  At times I found using that function and then accessing functions directly from the home screen to be quicker and easier than sliding to the toolbar to the function I needed.  I suggest incorporating this same type of always visible "home" button into the new version so that users don't have to slide the toolbar to the home button every time to access the home screen.  If used perhaps the home button currently on the toolbar wouldn't be needed?
Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren
Thanks for your feedback. Your concern is valid and let me explain a bit why we changed things a little.  

We essentially wanted to simplify the design and maximize the space for the lists of stations and the player.  By combining all in one menu bar we eliminated the old bottom menu bar and provide a bit more space for other things.

We definitively want to keep your suggestion in mind and will see how to possibly make going home a bit faster.


Organizing Favorites

Big Weave vor 10 Jahren 0
I am trying to organize my favorites so that when I use the Player next/prev set on favorites it scrolls through them in a specific order (i.e. by genre). Looking at the xml data I noticed a pattern that the 'dc' tag seems to be a number that coincidentally matches the patter for which station is played next when the next or prev button is pressed. I would like to know the purpose of the 'dc' tag and if is this something that I can alter to place the stations in the order that I desire.
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the player just says preparing playlist

Dennis Mickey jr vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren 0

yhe player just says preparing playlist didnt do that on my other android

Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren

Does this issue happen with any station you play? What device do you have and what version of android is it running?

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Hello, when i open stream 192 or high, i have drop connection (external engine). When switch to nternal engine - all works, but does not show song title and band. Samsung I5800, Android 2.2

murder216 vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 13 Jahren 0
Hello, when i open stream 192 or high, i have drop connection (external engine). When switch to nternal engine - all works, but does not show song title and band. Samsung I5800, Android 2.2
Jona (Lead Developer) vor 13 Jahren
Could you try the latest version from the market? Should fix this issue you are having.... Please let me know! Thanks!

MP3 stream buffering on 2.1.7 in Android 2.2

Bryan vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren 2

I have noticed that when using the following stream on Android 2.2:


That the stream starts almost immediately, even though I set buffering at 10000ms (10 sec). In Android 2.3.4, it takes about 10 seconds to buffer, then the stream starts...

The stream is way more choppy than when I was using it on  the AAC+ stream earlier.  On a par sometimes with RadioTime (and that's BAD)...

Jona (Lead Developer) vor 11 Jahren
Thanks for your feedback...  Have you tried the v2.1.8? I just released it.  Please do since a lot of changes have been made in this area.  Please let me know what you find.

Headset fwd & back skips 2 channels

jesonger vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 13 Jahren 0
When listening to Favorites via bluetooth with my Jabra BT620, the skip buttons work to change channels... only, two channels are skipped at once.  On Droid.
Jona (Lead Developer) vor 13 Jahren

We are improving the favorite skip feature currently.  We will have the improved version out on the next update this month.

Update 06/01/11:

Update v2.1.9 should have this issue resolved. Please confirm if possible.