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Posting new bugs
When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
- What device do you have?
- What OS version is it running?
- What happened?
- What did you expect to have happened?
- What steps reproduce the issue?
Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
Mississippi Public Radio Music
Mississippi Public Radio Think
Make alarm fade shorter and alarm timeout longer
Add shorter fade in (15 seconds) and longer timeout length (1 hour). Or make both variables to be set by user.
Next update will include a larger max timeout length of 60 min and min fade value of 15 sec.
Connect to tv
I have Samsung S7 and Samsung Smart TV.
I can transfer and see/hear TV on the phone. I can do the opposite and view/hear videos and audio files on the phone via the TV.
However I have been unable to send xiia live stream to listen via TV speakers. When I click share --> bluetooth the TV is not visible (but the carea bluetooth strangely is).
If bluetooth is already connected (phone to TV) is it possible that is the reason the TV is excluded from the xiaa bluetooth share list of devices. Any advice what I can try next greatly appreciated.
Allow longer alarm timeout (infinite?)
Is it just me or did the alarm timeout recently get a lot shorter? I usually wake up to the soothing barbiturate sounds if my local NPR station, and often lie in bed for a while, listening to the news and (very) slowly waking up. And then I just let it play as I get up and get dressed, etc. But just recently I've noticed that the alarm is turning itself off after only 30 min. That seems to be the maximum setting, but I don't remember it being line that before. Is there a way to make it longer or even infinite? Thanks.
Hey Sean, The latest release of XiiaLive allows you to turn off the alarm timeout option.
Here is how to do it:
- Go to XiiaLive->Settings->Alarms
- Slide to 0 the Timeout length option. This will set it to OFF.
I've purchased pro version for Android.
but now I've changed phone in iPhone. Can You restore my purchase in IOS
Hi Max! Unfortunately, we can't transfer purchases across different Appstores. You will need to purchase it again on the iOS appstore. We do appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you!
Updated android 6.0.1 stop working outside the main apk screen
after I updated my Samsung Galaxy S2 tablet I use to listen my favorite radio from xiaa widget. Now it never start. It only start playing when you get inside the app. Soon after you leave stop playing
will there be a RadioReference Broadcastify plugin for the IOS version as in the Android version?
will there be a RadioReference Broadcastify plugin for the IOS version as in the Android version?
Hi Bill! At this stage, we don't have plans since we currently don't have any rights to use the service in iOS. We do appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you!
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho