Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.
Please post under one of the following:
If you have a question or idea, start by typing it in the box provided and search below under similar topics to see if you can find an answer. If you don’t find an answer then simply post a new question or idea.
If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.
Posting new bugs
When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
- What device do you have?
- What OS version is it running?
- What happened?
- What did you expect to have happened?
- What steps reproduce the issue?
Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
how do i listen from a computer?
Bluetooth auto start/stop playback on IOS?
Album Art and More Station Information
One of the things that draws me to Tunein Radio is partially a slightly larger selection in the genre of music I'm interested but I balance that with the ability to add stations with XiiaLive. However, I also really like the stations album art and catchphrase is something that I really like about it. It also helps organize stations and set them apart from each other.
Thanks for the feedback. We are currently working to make more content available on XiiaLive.
We also have some nice ideas to improve favorites organization. Should make it even better than is now.
AAC+ streams on LG Optimus V refuse to play.
Song Title/Artist are reversed after newest update v3.0.1.1
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this here but just asking that when I tune in or play (and scrobble) a song on a radio station (like for instance, mjtunes) in xiialive, Why is like this: Song Title - Artist Name? It should be Artist Name - Song Title, right?
Please reply soon. Any help would be great.
Listenening over WLAN works but not over Mobile Connection
i have 3 Radiostations that work when my phone is connected to a wlan, but it doesn't play when i'm connected only through mobile connection, while other stations work with wlan and mobile. these 3 stations are (AAC+ and mpeg), (aac+/mpeg) and i tried both versions that are supplied, means aac+ stream and also mpeg stream. when i press play i see the message for connection and immidiatly after this message unexpected interrupt.
Some questions for you:
1. Could you verify the exact errors you are seeing when streaming the AAC and the MPEG stations?
2. Do you have any virus protection apps such as Avast?
3. Please try using the stream engine FFmpeg. You can change that user settings->Stream
Add Android Wear remote control app
Do you plan to make kind of remote control/launching Adroid Wear app for your app ?
You can so far skip stations, pause/resume and change level of sound with default Wear support for music players, but when you turn it off by mistake or swap away notifications from your watch you cannot turn it on again from watch you need to launch it from mobile. Any chance to get similar Wear app like Poweramp Remote 4 Android Wear:
Customized version of phone App
We recommend Xiia Live for all our listeners, and would like a cutomized version of the App, maybe showing our logo and station name, maybe downloadable from our site or a version from your site that would allow end user to change/add an image and or text field to customlize their version
We are already brainstorming the easiest ways to provide options to radio stations like yours with pre-loaded content or something like that for free. When we have news on what exactly we will provide, I'll posting on our XiiaLive twitter and facebook accounts.
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