Welcome to the official XiiaLive support forum! You can ask questions and get direct support from the developer.

Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

Please post under one of the following:

If you have a question or idea, start by typing it in the box provided and search below under similar topics to see if you can find an answer. If you don’t find an answer then simply post a new question or idea.

If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.

Posting new bugs

When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.

Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
En revisión

Needs to be quiet while using speech to text

Khile T. Klock hace 14 años actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 14 años 2
While traveling I will often make use of speech you text to make communication less distracting.... But XiiaLive doesn't shut up when it needs to, so the speech to text works efficiently... Pandora works lively for this, XiiaLive should too.
Jona (Lead Developer) hace 14 años
Thanks for your feedback. I haven't tried using the text to speech feature while streaming. I definitely see this as an issue. I'll investigate to see how I can resolve this issue.

Update station information for XiiaLive

Djmarcus PlatineWeb hace 10 años actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 10 años 1
I am contacting you to give you the new address PlatineWeb this your broadcast service of Internet radio.

We hope this will not be a particular problem ...
New stream address: http://hosting-serv.com/listen/listen-9010.m3u
LOGO http://www.platineweb.com/LogoPourFree.htm

With my anticipated thanks, I remain at your disposal and you my sincere greetings.

Marc Grange w / o PlatineWeb
Jona (Lead Developer) hace 10 años
Please take a look at the following for more information on how to add/remove/edit a station from the UberStations directory.

Hope that helps! :)

Buttons in the player are too sensitive

Nanren hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 3

Buttons are too sensitive in Classic Dark theme. In developer mode, I enabled "Show layout bounds" and i see you make the buttons area to long. Can you remove the 'padding' thing and make it margin area between buttons instead, like you did make margin area between share and 3 dots buttons?

Image 76

Rodrigo (Developer) hace 9 años

Hi Evildog,

actually it's part of our to-fix list.


En revisión

Signal loss, buffer failure.

John Green hace 11 años actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 11 años 0
I paid for Xiaalive Pro, but it still won't work for me.  I drive for my job and I can listen to Spotify and Pandora for hours with no break in the signal but Xiaalive drops the signal several times per hour at least.  Even if I build up a buffer it still drops connection and the buffer is gone. 

Jona (Lead Developer) hace 11 años

What device do you have and what version of Android does it have?

So Pandora and Spotify are very different apps compared to XiiaLive. Essentially those apps connect to a server and download the file that will be played on your device. With XiiaLive it is connecting to a live broadcasting station. The difference is that when the internet connection is dropped Pandora/Spotify can reconnect and continue the download without any problems, while XiiaLive reconnects but most likely would have lost some live radio content.

We have something to improves the experience with Smart Recovery. This tries to reconnect automatically and stitch a connection.

En revisión

changing stations randomly

Randy Kuehn hace 9 años actualizado por Ralph hace 8 años 1

when I use xiia freshly installed and choose 80's and then select a station, naturally that station stays selected until I act further.

But as soon as I click and make one station my favorite, then go to 80s and select a diff 80s stain than my favorite, it plays that new selection for about 15 seconds and flips to my favorite by itself.

If I have two favorites in my favorite list it bounces from fav 1 to fav 2 after another 15 seconds. Then back to fav 1 etc bounce bounce.

Only at to end craziness delete both favs. Xiia his back to normal. I select any station and it stays put until I select another.

Pick a single fav again, 15-20 second bounce timetime again.

Help!! This is making a great app act crazy. Can't figure it.

Using android 4.4 on Motorola droid. Thanks


Invalid URL error

HoloWolf hace 10 años en iOS actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 10 años 2
iOS 8.0.2 iphone 5

Invalid url err. The service uses icecast 2 It used to work. Safari can stream it fine. I am using the pro version of the app. 

Jona (Lead Developer) hace 10 años
Issue has been resolved and will be part of the next release v1.1.1.

Make App work completely independent of the Android Media Framework???

Paul D hace 13 años actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 13 años 0
Would it be possible to make app work the same as Yourmuze.fm ??

As there app includes its own AAC+ decoder. This means that it works completely independent of the Android Media Framework and they convert the streams to AAC+ before sending it to your phone - this results in low bandwidth consumption, and very high stability...However there huge downside is they dont have a buffer or prebuffer like yours..
Jona (Lead Developer) hace 13 años

Next update I'm allowing users to test the beta internal streaming engine for AAC content... YOu should try that once it's released :)

Update 05/23/11:

XiiaLive v2.1.9 has option to use internal streaming engine... Check it out under Settings->Adv Users

En revisión

Layout not optimal in horizontal mode

tuxmobil hace 12 años actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 12 años 0


today I've used your app with the phone in an audio dock in which it rotates to horizontal mode. I found the bar on right side that one has to drag into the screen to access the menu rather small (see attached picture). It is very easy to accidentially hit the soft keys of the Galaxy Nexus instead of that tiny bar. I would appreciate if you could reconsider this detail to make access to the menu more easy and safe.


Image 19

Jona (Lead Developer) hace 12 años

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, it is close to the soft buttons. We will take a look and see what could be done. Thanks!

En revisión

Pandora Hijacking Xiia Via Bluetooth

Jamey Sewell hace 11 años actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 11 años 10

I frequently use both apps connected via Bluetooth radio in my car. Xiia works just fine until I use the car radio to switch to Pandora and then back to Xiia. The car tells me that Bluetooth audio is paused. When I hit the play button on car radio, nothing happens.  I can see Xiia playing on the phone, but not through the radio. To resolve, I have to force close both apps via phone. This is dangerous while driving.  It seems like Pandora is hijacking the signal. Can it be resolved?

Jona (Lead Developer) hace 11 años

Please try turning ON Ignore audio focus under XiiaLive->Settings->Sound and see if the issue still happens. This should let me narrow down the issue.

Also, please provide the following info:

- Device

- Android version

- BT device info

No es un bug

Excessive bandwidth when playing streams

Fran Litterio hace 12 años actualizado por Jona (Lead Developer) hace 12 años 2

On my Droid Razr running ICS I notice that XiiaLive uses waaaay more bandwidth than the stream I'm playing is rated at. For example, a 128 kbps stream causes my download bandwidth to hover around 320 kbps (and sometimes higher). I suspect this is because the playlist for the stream contains multiple stream sources, and XiiaLive is actually streaming more than one of them in case one fails. Is this what's happening? If I play a 128 kbps stream, I expect XiiaLive to use 128 kbps of my bandwidth and no more.

Jona (Lead Developer) hace 12 años

Great question.  There is something tricky we must do in order to stream using Androids hardware decoders.  What it is, is that we have a local server running on your device that reads the stations feed from the internet process the data and hands it to the Android media player. This causes the phone to record double bandwidth but when in reality only half of the bandwidth is internet/data plan used.