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Shoutcast Stations Not Showing Up
Whenever I look up stations in the Shoutcast directory such as under Soundtracks, I get No Results instead.
Search Results Are Wrong
Whenever I type in a search result using the Uberstations directory, the result is wrong. When I look up the word Kids for example, it doesn't show that word. Instead, it shows radio stations that aren't even related to kids at all.
RTMP is not supported
When i try to add rtmp link, it says "Error failed to connect", but it works on VLC player.
Note: You must be in US or use US VPN to play rtmp station. The station is named Air1 Radio Los Angeles
Thanks for the links and the info. I was able to test and figure out how to resolve the issue. A fix will be available on the next update v3.3.1.11.
I'm now trying to see if I can fix incoming metadata updates. As of now only the initial connection metadata is read.
internal service failure
I recently installed XiiaPro on my LG G3 (Marshmallow). I had obtained the app sometime back as an Amazon free app of the day, and installed it on my phone via the Amazon store. When I try to open it, I get an "internal service failure" message. I have tried several times, with the same results.
Next/Previous buttons no longer work correctly
The recent fix to make the next/previous buttons smarter seems to have broken existing functionality. It seems to now completely ignore the setting "App Control -> Player Next/Prev". I have always used it set to "Playlist" but now the next/previous buttons choose Favorite Stations instead of advancing in the playlist.
In case it's relevant, I don't use Favorite stations because you can't play them based on category or group them in any way. So I have a few stations that are actually playlists, each with dozens of related stations. So I can load the "Talk" or "Rock" station, and then use the next/previous buttons to navigate the stations without mixing genres.
The fact that Xiia was able to do this was why I bought the app to begin with, it seems to be overlooked functionality in most music apps. But up until the most recent update, it worked perfectly in Xiia.
I've been able to get around it temporarily by using another app ( Llama ) to create a "fast forward" button on my desktop. That seems to do what "Next" used to do. However, that's not as nice as the widget and also doesn't address the same issue happening on the lock screen music control. It's also now always selecting the next station instead of the next playlist item.
Just a note about what it used to do... Before this fix, there was already an inconsistency in how the widget buttons worked in relation to the setting in "App Control". The lock-screen widget would honor that setting and work as expected. However, the desktop widget has never worked correctly. It has always looked for the next station regardless of the setting. So I would just use the lock-screen widget to get the desired behavior.
But with both of them now ignoring the setting in "App Control", it almost seems that instead of fixing the 'desktop' widget, the 'lock screen' widget has now been broken as well.
Please investigate and fix if possible. I love this app and recommend it to everyone I meet. But this change in functionality has really limited it for me :(
Fixed on v3.3.1.12! Currently update released to beta testers. Will be out in a couple days to everyone.
google play
Purchased pro version on google play. Got my new phone in China, no Google apps, and there is no way to install google play on it without installing a custom ROM.
Is it possible to get a pro version APK that will not need Google play?
Feature request
Hi. I use a bluetooth remote on gamepad mode for controlling the app in the car. When scrolling through the individual radio stations the triangle on the right hand side highlights blue to indicate focus. This. unfortunately doesn't doesn't happen when selecting genres but would be equally useful if it did. Very good app though.
my station has ven aproved and the app can"t fine the station
my station has ven aproved and the app can"t fine the station
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