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Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
181.FM Reggae Roots
Bluetooth ogg stream server offline
I connect to a remote icecast stream which requires username/password and it is working well in xiialive. There is however on scenario with bluetooth where it fails. I suspect xiialive is not using the username/password and hence giving server offline. These are the steps to produce it.
1. Xiialive is set to switch on when bluetooth is connected.
2. Turn on the car stereo and let bluetooth connect.
3. Xiialive starts and tries to connect to the icecast server.
4. Xiialive fails with 'server offline' error.
5. Exit xiialive and restart it.
6. Xiialive plays successfully the remote stream.
Can you investigate this please. I am using latest release.
Certain stream on certain device not working
It takes a long time before playback begins, and then it's distorted. Among all of my numerous stations on my favourites, this is the only one behaving this way, despite the fact that it's a simple MP3-Stream. The problem persists on mobile connections as well as on wifi.
Playback is ok on Winamp on PC, but also on my old Nexus S with 4.1.2 Stock Android device, which I've already checked out. The problem refers only to that particular stream on the Nexus 5.
Any idea what the reason could be?
By the way I tested using the FFMpeg stream engine.
Adding new stations
Problems on HTC evo
Suddenly "unable to verify your purchase!"
I'm using the paid version 2.2.4 because I like the look better.
Have been using this app for hours every day for more than a year without any problems. And I don't use any custom room or been modifying my phone or changed anything lately.
But suddenly from one hour to the next XiiaLive stopped the stream and showed "Unable to verify your purchase!". This was 24 hours ago and it still does this after playing the radio station about 30 seconds. This have never happened before.
I have 3G H+ connection when it stops, so doesn't seem to be my connection, and I've been in different locations.
I've restarted the phone.
Tried different stations.
Can you help me with the reason for this? Life without XiiaLive sucks lol.
Hey sorry about this issue. Something must have got corrupted? I would recommend you backup XiiaLive data by going into XiiaLive->Settings->Backup and restore.
Once you back up go into the installed applications list and clear cache and app data of XiiaLive. This will remove all saved data by XiiaLive. Then try restoring back the data to XiiaLive.
Hopefully this resolves the issue.
Note 2 Android Stream Engine
Hi Jona, XiiaLive is a great app however my favorite station of all is C89.5(a dance station) and it wont reconnect after trying for about 5seconds and all my other stations try for well over a couple of minutes..they are all the same MPEG where i live theres alot of black spots and its important for me that it keeps trying to reconnect for alot longer..Is it possible for you to update somthing at your end cos the rest of stations keep trying alot longer..I have an HTC Wildfire on 2.2 if thats any help..Also hope you can make the pre buffer alot longer than 30seconds aswell
Paul from UK
BitTorrent for version 2.2.3
Detached from market. Will not prompt for market update.
Customer support service by UserEcho