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Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

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Posting new bugs

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Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

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XiiaLive v2.2.0/v2.2.1 - release notes

Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 2

Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago

Release date: 06/13/2011
Version: v2.2.0/v2.2.1

New features:
- New last.fm scrobble support. Need Last.FM app.

- Improved AAC/AACP buffering percent accuracy.
- Sports radio genre now shows a lot more stations.
- Improved M3U playlist compatibility parsing.
- Resolved initial audio data loss on some devices when starting MPEG stream.
- Screen OFF checks to avoid doing extra work during this state. Less work=happy battery.
- Remove powerwake lock.
- Improved MPEG streaming.
- Improved connection state monitoring.

Bugs fixed:
- Menu bar scroll double tap bug fix for Android 2.2.
- Fix widget loosing station information.
- Licensing check thread leak fixed.
- Next/Prev favorites fix for URLs that are playlists.
- New error message for Android Media Framework failures. No longer a connection dropped message for these cases.
- FFMPEG getPosition crash bug resolved.
- Edit favorite category caused crash, fixed.
- Some phones could not stream mpeg content [v2.2.1 fix]
- Removed Russian translation due to not being ready [v2.2.1 fix] 


SHOUTCast video streaming

kirk 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 0
Can the app handle  low bandwidth (200-400kbps) H264 video + MP3  audio streams provided via http from a ShoutCast server?
Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago
Our app is currently not designed for video playback.  However you could potentially stream the content but receive no video just audio.  You would have to go into XiiaLive settings and change the stream engine to be internal... Or using XiiaLive Beta go under settings->Streams and change the stream engine to FFMpeg.
Under review

connection dropped

Philip Weiss 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 1
was llistening to ebm-radio.com (a high bandwidth stream) using XiiaLive (not lite). Connection dropped, but xiialive now won't connect to the stream again. Or any stream. Selecting any favorite brings me to the player windows, but the player is locked on the old stream, still saying connection dropped. Tried exiting app and restarting, same result. Tried killing app and restarting, same result. Will, probably have to reboot the device....

Not the ffirst time, I've had this issue on my xoom, though it happens only infrequently. But it's annoying to force a reboot.
Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago
Thanks for the info.  So, what is the exact message you are seeing every time you would try to connect? I know you said connection dropped but I just want to make sure that is the only message or you see something else...

My initial guess is that Android media framework on your phone is crashing for some reason.  This does sometimes require the phone to be restarted.

If you notice the app to not be able to stream just long press the stop button to force the streaming process to be cleared out.

In any case if you have time when you reproduce the issue could you collect the phones logs?  This could help me target the exact cause a lot faster!

Buffer Sound

Anderson Pereira 12 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 1
Like to know if is possible to to disable the sound of the program when buffer reaches 100%.
I'm trying to tune a web radio by the internet 3G and Xiia live is buffering several times in a row.
Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago
You can easily change the notification fxs by going into XiiaLive->Settings->User experience and select the Notification sounds. A popup should provide a few options. Select disabled.
Will be answered

Is XiiaLive available on the internet/browser?

RICHREIGN 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 1
Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago
Currently you can't but we have plans to be able to do just that! Thanks for your idea! :)

the color is too much boca junior. aguante jujuy la radio esta re buena

Christian Aguilar 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 0
Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago
Pasa que sos de RiBer! :P Estas usando el app or what! :?

Android media failure:-38 .PVMFPending

rldstover48 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 11
Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago

If you are still having this issue, please try using the latest XiiaLive Beta version. There where multiple fixes done that could have resolved these issues. Please try using the Stream engine "Android" to see if the issue is resolved. If not most likely you will be able to stream without issues with the "FFMpeg" engine.


[XiiaLive Beta] Invalid parameter

Doug David 12 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 17
Since the last Beta update, I've been seeing Invalid Parameter errors when trying to stream from my Favorites list, seems to be older links.

Also, many stations' urls don't work shortly after saving them. In particular try GotRadio and 100Hitz stations. I'm running Galaxy Nexus. Not sure if the problem is the station url (ie they rotate IPs for some reason) or Xiia. Anyone else seeing this behavior?

Feedback; Updated version

Michael Newman 12 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 3

 I'm taking a few minutes to offer some feedback about the updated version of XiiaLive because it's the single most used app on my Android device. It's really important to me.

First I want to say that I think the new feature set is great. I want to make that clear so that you don't think I'm just here to criticize.The new features are great

However, the user interface took a serious step backwards. Navigation through the features, menus, etc. is much less intuitive.While the recording buffer is a terrific feature, it's taking up a ton of real-estate when it is being used and appears to be impossible to hide when its use isn't needed.

Lots of controls for navigating, adding favorites or tagging have gone from big and easy to small and fussy. I use XiiaLive almost every minute that I'm in my car and it's become significantly harder to operate. Some things, like connection status have become so small that they're now virtually useless to me in that environment.

This all brings me to my last and main complaint...the new skins. They're dreadful First, the "original" skin *isn't*...and it doesn't even function in landscape mode...the mode I use. Second, the use of fine-lined fonts and extremely low contrast themes is a big problem. Take Favorites on Classic Dark. A dark gray background  with secondary information in increasingly tinier fonts in various shades of gray? 

You need to put some thought into themes that are truly usable in the environments your customers use your product.

I doubt that I can find a better product. I don't want to even go looking. If these issues aren't addressed, I will have to. As good as the new features are, the interface went from invisible to frustrating.

Oh, also, possibly connected to the new playback buffer...I'm getting intermittent blasts of garbled audio. That's new,

Thanks for your attention.


Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago

Thanks for your feedback! We always like to hear app users comments! :)

The recording feature is currently not completed... The bar you see allows you to time-shift live radio. It also allows you to click cue points of starting song to skip or replay really fast right where a new song is starting. For this reason we believe it deserves the space it has.

The fav/tag buttons are now all over the place so that it is easy to tag/fav from any place where you see a song or a station.  However, I do understand your concern where the player now has smaller less intuitive buttons to tag and add stations to favs.  Have you tried using the "Original skin"?  Currently only portrait has the old design. Landscape will hopefully be added later on.  What particular device are you using? I'm wondering why possible the status text is too small...?

The skins will most likely be getting small tweaks here and there to improve it's contrast and design. Also, we will possibly be creating a more car friendly design soon.

Garbled audio issue has been fixed v3.0.0.02 :)


Save Water Save Life

John Michael 5 years ago 0

This earth is running out of freshwater. According to a report, it is estimated that near 2050, the earth will be facing troubles related to freshwater resources. So, we should focus on how can you help save freshwater in your daily life. This will not only save you money but can also help you to save your upcoming generation.