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Icecast Directory

Edward Trent 11 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 1
When can you include icecast as a directory choice?
Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago
I'm planning to start it very soon. Most likely sometime January I'll have a beta directory version.


Purecut 9 years ago 0

in the Widget is to big under Lollipop in 4x1. The player bottom space are to wide. The left FF button is under the 4 lines. BTW. for what are these 4 lines. I never saw a function. Rmove the xiiaLive slogan from the left. In this case you have enough space for the line to switch to the left and the left ff will be shown.

Also can you add a function under settings to give the widget a transparent value. or to change the color of the widget.

Is it possible to record radios

KARL 10 years ago 0
Can you tell me if it is possible to record and store any duration of radios for further listening and editing? 

importing radio stations from file

xiialive user 12 years ago updated by Wilson Keith Bradley 1 year ago 6
How can I import a list of radio stations from a file?

My ISP makes over 100 stations available for free streaming (ie does not count towards my download quota) and they provide a list of the stations in a number of different formats (m3u, pls, opml, rss, plain text)

Is there a way I can import one of those formats? If I specify the .pls url in the add favourites, it only plays the first station in the list.

Jona (Lead Developer) 8 years ago

What service fetches album art for internet radio? I'd like to add to it.

Mike A 9 years ago updated by Rodrigo (Developer) 9 years ago 2
I listen to PlusFM, on its site it is full of artwork even for the most obscure song. But Xilla/Shoutcast retrieves different/no album art for many songs. I'd like to update whatever database it is pulling the artwork from, if that's possible. Is it possible?
Rodrigo (Developer) 9 years ago

Hi Mike,

unfortunately it's not possible from XiiaLive app but you can try to update the station artwork on UberStations.

Please look the follow link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oePpxKzLRCEcbpgV6cwb-XEyrXjDUsbryswTxIMv1F8/edit



Multiple alarm choices, including local file

Henrik Isacsson 10 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 1
When using the alarm to wake up, it's important to always get noise. My idea is then to add a fallback local file to play if the chosen radio station, or wifi, is unavailable.

Of course this would disable unlimited retries, since unlimited failure also means no wake-up alarm sound. 

If you want to make it even shinier, have the Set Alarm preferences come with a '+ Add extra station' button, letting the user add a list of fallback stations or local fils(s). 

/signed: so happy with xiialive that it was the first program I bought in play store :)
Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago
Thanks for your feedback and making us your first paid app! :)

This is an area that could definitely be improved a bit more. Having fallback stations I think is a great idea and I'll set this as planned.

Currently if the alarm station fails to connect or it is taking too long to connect we trigger the default alarm sound. So even if unlimited retries is active the alarm default sound will still be triggered if a connection took too long.

what happened to the Howard 100.5 and 101.5 streams???

Jason Linnie 10 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 3
Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago
Hey guys, unfortunately we don't control the content of the directory. We've previously seen this particular station disappear and come back up. Hope this time it returns.
Under review

Bluetooth auto start/stop playback on IOS version?

Luko Palaveev 10 years ago updated by Ralph 8 years ago 1
Is there going to be bluetooth auto start/stop playback on IOS version?

If I listen to XiiaLive radio does it cost me money or it s free?

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago 0
Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago
XiiaLive uses SHOUTcast radio directory which is free. We currently offer two versions of the application one which is free "ad supported" and another with no ads for $3.99.

Paid version is a one time fee. The free version no fees.
Under review

must restart phone to turn the app on

Reidar 9 years ago updated by Ralph 9 years ago 1
The xiia app wont start after it has been closed for a while. I only get a black or white screen. When I restart my phone it works fine.
LG-D802, android 4.4.2