Welcome to the official XiiaLive support forum! You can ask questions and get direct support from the developer.

Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

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Posting new bugs

When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.

Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

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Will be answered

Add last played track history

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 2
Really would like the ability to bring up a list of the last say 10 songs played on a channel so i can tag them. FREQUENTLY miss tagging a song by 10 seconds and it's gone.
Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago
This is actually a great idea! :) I'll keep it under review until we place it on our TO DO list :)
Under review

High CPU usage on Samsung Galaxy S2

Bogdan Udrescu 12 years ago updated by TurningColorz 9 years ago 4

Although it functions impeccably, Xiia Live free version is causing a High CPU usage on Samsung Galaxy S2. When I stop listening I have to always stop it from Task Manager. Otherwise it will drain my battery very quickly. Also, Task Manager shows 7-9% cpu usage even after I press STOP on the player and the mobile connection shows it is still active.

Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago

The cpu usage on the free version is due mainly to ads with some type of animation. This is normal cpu usage when animations or things are moving around visually. Also, the player scrolling text will cause CPU usage.

I see there is a CPU usage on the free version for some reason after closing the app. I'll take a look since this shouldn't be happening! Thanks for discovering that!


Internal stream engine bug report (2.1.9 paid version)

blaxx 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 0
Hi again! :-) Looks like some good progress is being made with the addition of the internal stream engine.
I realize it is in the beta stage right now but thought you might like to know of any issues.
If wifi, and 3g are on, when the phone goes out of range of the wifi, the internal stream engine will not attempt to connect to the available 3g signal, instead what happens is a, what I call a "endless audio loop". the last 500 milliseconds or so of audio at the time the phone looses the wifi signal, loops endlessly, and Xiialive becomes unresponsive, the only way to restart Xiialive (streaming engine) is to go to the app manager, and force stop Xiialive, this will happen with any Mpeg stream (I haven't tested AAC) If the android stream engine is used this does not happen, Xiialive just pauses and resumes audio using 3g.
My details are: PHONE-Samsung Captivate; OS-Froyo 2.2 stock firmware; OPERATOR-AT&T.
To avoid any confusion, in previous posts I made, I was on US Cellular using a Samsung Mesmerize, I got tired of CDMA data issues so I am now on AT&T, much better on the data side now. :-)
If you need any further information, just let me know and I will try to give you as many details as possible.
Have a good day. :-)
Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! This issue should be resolved on the latest release of XiiaLive.
Under review

Can not open pls and m3u files

Polar 9 years ago updated by amavarick 7 years ago 4
1.) Device: Motorola Moto g (2013)
2.) OS: Android 4.4.4
3.) I tryed to open .pls & .m3u Files out of the ES File Explorer, and then it says: Connection Failed.
4.) I expected that the .pls & .m3u file should be opened and played
5.) I clicking the es file explorer and then scrolling to the .pls & .m3u files, then selecting a file, and then it shows me that comnnection failed

So, please help put of that problem :)

Playlist caching causing playback to fail

Marc F 10 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 9 years ago 12
Steps to reproduce the problem:
Add a new favorite into Xiialive with a URL like this:
Where playlist.pls file contains the following stream addresses:

In this case Xiialive will behave correctly, playing the stream from server1. If that address fails, Xiialive will play from server2.

However, suppose later in the day the contents of http://abc.com/playlist.pls has changed to the following because server1 and server2 are down:

Now when the user attempts to play the station Xiialive will have cached the server1 and server2 addresses and still attempt to play them, and playback will therefore fail.

Currently the only workaround I've found is to briefly play a different station (this will flush the cached stream addresses) and then reselect the favourite. This will cause http://abc.com/playlist.pls to be re-downloaded and playback will succeed.

Suggested solution:

Provide a setting toggle to force the playlist to re-downloaded on each playback attempt.
Jona (Lead Developer) 9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. I'm removing playlist URL caching for manually added URL links. This should make things a bit better with issues such as the one you are having.
Under review

Bluetooth connection issue

Ivan Sanchez 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 0

After enabling the internal stream engine for the first time i haven't been able to retain Bluetooth connection with my car stereo, it connects and disconnects within 5sec everytime.  Same thing happened back in may when this feature was first added with my old  T-Mobile MyTouch 4G, and it happen again with the latest update on my new MyTouch 4G. im an very sad because this happens always now, even with internal stream engine disabled.  please help this is very annoying.

phone is MyTouch 4G aka HTC Glacier. Android 2.2.1

Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago
This seems like an issue with the Android OS.  I've seen couple issues reported on this area.  I assume you are running the latest version of Android and not a custom ROM.

You could try reproducing the issue and right away capturing the logs.

SHOUTcast searches no longer work

Don Morris 11 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 8 2 duplicates
I just upgraded  a couple of days ago and immediately after upgrading I was no longer able to search for any Shoutcast stations (Search, Genre and Top Hits all give a [No stations found] error). I can still play saved stations in favorites though.
Shoutcast worked right up until I upgraded, so the issue seems to be related to the upgrade.
Please let me know how to make the search work again with Shoutcast?
Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago
UPDATE 12/10/13
After a long weekend for us... SHOUTcast has been restored. We hope it continues to work properly and no more shutdown issues arise.

Please note that we are not sure what will be happening on December 20th as it was announced that Winamp and SHOUTcast would be shutdown. Rumors has it that Microsoft will purchase them. I'm really doutting that SHOUTcast will simply be shutdown. So, let's keep our fingers crossed... :(

Again thanks for your patience and we apologize this issue.

Local mp3 files playing

Sim120 11 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 1

Does any xiialive version support the function of regular mp3-player and play local mp3 files now?

Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago

Currently we don't support local file playback. But it is something we would like to add very soon!  

Do you want XiiaLive to just play local files? Or would you like XiiaLive to show you a list of your device local music?


HTC Incredible - Screen-off Problem

krisyadao 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 12
I am having an issue with the latest update to XiiaLive Pro (version 2.1.6) that I did not experience before. When connected to wifi, if I manually lock my screen or when it times out, the stream stops and buffers for a long time. When it does finally play, it's only does so for a few seconds, then buffers again and repeats. I do not have this issue when steaming over 3G. I am running a very stable ASOP rom (CyanogenMod 6.1) Uninstalling/re-installing didn't help either. I hope this problem can be addressed as it worked before the update and streaming over 3G when I have access to wifi is an unnecessary waste of my data plan.

Thank You
Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago
Update 02/19/14:
This issue ended up being a problem with the installed Android version. Simply closing this thread as fixed.

Update 05/16/11:
Please check with the latest update v2.1.8. We have added a new power managing flag that hopefully resolves this issue.

Update 05/18/11:

There have been a few improvements in this area which I'm hoping will resolve this issue on update v2.1.9 coming next week.
Will be answered

Bitrate Stream Setting

DaGreek 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 4
It would be nice to have the ability to select the bitrate stream, tuneradio offers this and its awesome because you can find streams that the station providers dont offer on their site...like getting 181.fm rock 40 - 64kps when all you can find on their site is 128 and 32 (cant find 64 anywhere but tuneradio) Love the APP! BOUGHT!