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When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
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Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
App looks great but I am worried about security risks
Well the first "Phone and State identity".
Without this permission we wouldn't know when to lower the volume of the stream when a phone call is received or being made.
Second, "gps location".
We have this for ads purposes. If you install the paid version it wont ask for this permission because we don't use ads there.
XiiaLive metadata, stream stats, and playback status intents
XiiaLive will be making the following intents available starting with release v3.0.1.1. The main goal of these new intents is to match what popular music players are using. Example, Amazon MP3 app, Google Music, to name a few.
Please note that these actions are sent out with a category defining the release type of XiiaLive. That is if it is free, paid or beta. You can simply have all those categories defined on your broadcast receiver.
Broadcast sent every time metadata has changed.
com.vblast.xiialive.category.PRO, com.vblast.xiialive.category.FREE, com.vblast.xiialive.category.BETA
active, preparing, streaming, playing, duration, position, url, mime, track, artist, album, genre, website, bitrate, channels, samplerate
Broadcast sent every time playback state changes.
com.vblast.xiialive.category.PRO, com.vblast.xiialive.category.FREE, com.vblast.xiialive.category.BETA
active, preparing, streaming, playing, duration, position, url, mime, track, artist, album, genre, website, bitrate, channels, samplerate
Broadcast sent when playback is done/complete no longer playing.
com.vblast.xiialive.category.PRO, com.vblast.xiialive.category.FREE, com.vblast.xiialive.category.BETA
active, preparing, streaming, playing, duration, position, url, mime, track, artist, album, genre, website, bitrate, channels, samplerate
Broadcast sent every 5 sec with playback stats.
com.vblast.xiialive.category.PRO, com.vblast.xiialive.category.FREE, com.vblast.xiialive.category.BETA
baudrate [int (kbps)], downloaded [long (bytes)], lifetime_downloaded [long (bytes)], lifetime_playback [long (ms)]
Intent action to request updates.
com.vblast.xiialive.category.PRO, com.vblast.xiialive.category.FREE, com.vblast.xiialive.category.BETA
destination [Parcelable Intent where the request will be sent to], request_actions [String[] array of intent actions for requests]
// the destination where our request update<br>// should be sent to...<br>Intent destination = new Intent(context, MyBroadcastReceiver.class);<br>Intent intent = new Intent("com.vblast.xiialive.requestupdate");<br>intent.addCategory("com.vblast.xiialive.category.PRO");<br>intent.addCategory("com.vblast.xiialive.category.FREE");<br>intent.addCategory("com.vblast.xiialive.category.BETA");<br>intent.putExtra("destination", destination);<br>intent.putExtra("request_actions", new String[] {<br>"com.vblast.xiialive.metachanged", "com.vblast.xiialive.playbackstats"});<br>context.sendBroadcast(intent);
please fix, is important
I would take it even further, but every time I hear the music with the music player and then start xiia, the stream is established and there is no sound, only then everything must end with the task manager and then it goes.
Just to confirm I understand the issue. You are playing music and while it is playing music you are opening XiiaLive and starting a new stream but no audio is heard from XiiaLive?
1. Restart your phone and try again.
2. Cancel download if stuck and just restart it.
3. Make sure you have a good internet connection. Maybe try over WiFi.
disable notifications of new songs
How do I disable the notification of every new song in the notification bar? This is a particularly annoying feature and is about to make me batty, as I'm trying to read The Economist while listening to nice music, but I get a notification ever 3-4 minutes. I am not ADD, but feel like this app is making me so. Thank you for any tips.
The notifications happen every time a new song starts playing. Your request is a first but it is an interesting option to have. I will set this as planned.
How do I access settings/options menu?
AAC + crash on GALAXY ACE (android 2.2.1)
I download your new player ver 2.2.4, on GALAXY ACE (android 2.2.1)
almost all works fine but in AAC+ the player remark "Android fail..."Could you try reproducing the issue and capture the logs immediately? connecting to local sc_serv and sc_trans
how can i buy the paid version
How can i pay for the full version?
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