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Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

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Posting new bugs

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Common details we need:
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  2. What OS version is it running?
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Max retries reached.......

blaxx fa 14 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 14 anys 1
Hi Jona, am really enjoying version 2.1.8, reconnection during signal interruption (like when the phone switches from wifi to 3g) is much faster now. :-) My question for you today is when the connection to wifi and 3g is lost, Xiialive will give up trying to reconnect after a piriod of time. Are there any plans in the future to give the user the option for Xiialive to keep trying to reconnect to the stream indefinitely? That would be great if you could do that. Thank you for all your hard work on this application, it is the best! :-)

Good news! Next update will have unlimited retry option under advance settings :),  But this option will be available for paid version only...

Update 05/20/11:

- v2.1.9 is out and adds this feature!


Want the old format I paid for or a refund

echto echto fa 13 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 13 anys 0

Listen.  You can't pull the rug out from under paying customers and force feed them something like a new user interface.   That, is bait and switch.  Lemme guess, I bet there wasn't even a notice on the Play store about an up coming layout change.  I bet the customers who purchased the day before we're like WTF!  Provide an option to return to the previous layout or provide a refund.   let's litigate!


Not a really nice post to say the least...  We are always going to innovate to stay on top of our competition just like any product or app sold out there. If we don't what's the point of even trying to make a business? You should at least give it a try...  We included a dark skin so you can actually go back to the darker skin.  

Just about 99% of people have appreciated this huge update. And yes, we did mention that there was a complete redesign of the app on the Play store. Also, if you took the time to even look... There where images showing the new look.


My URL link does work, help?

min2 fa 14 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 14 anys 1
You can always do a final check on your PC.  I have tried the link with my PC using Winamp and the link is not valid anymore.  I would recommend you search for the station again, or go to the source website to see if they have a new URL.  Most of the time broadcasters change their IPs cause of upgrades or such.
Under review

Locale Sender teilen

Stefan Ulbrich fa 14 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 14 anys 0
Wir brauchen eine Option, das man eigene eingestellte Streams von localen Sendern mit xiialive Usern austauschen oder übernehmen kann.
Ich habe eine harte Zeit das Verständnis der Übersetzung. Beantragen Sie eine Option, um Ihr Land auszuwählen und haben Stationen von dort erscheinen?

Scrolling radio station names

Stefan Teske fa 14 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 13 anys 4
Some station titles are long and don't fit on the screen. Can it be done that they scroll?
You can turn ON/OFF auto scrolling by double tapping the station name or track information.

*You might need to go away from the player and than return to the player so that auto scrolling starts or stops.
Under review

XiiaLive Pro doesn't seem to regain audio driver after other apps

RgnKjnVA fa 12 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 11 anys 3

Hi Jona, I'm running Android 4.2.2 on Verizon (grrr) Galaxy Nexus with XiiaLive Pro. I just noticed that I can play music on several music apps in succession but XiiaLive doesn't seem to re-establish the audio driver after other apps have been used. 

Here are my steps to reproduce (I have widgets set up for all 3 apps):

1) Stream music via XiiaLive. Works like a champ.

2) Press Stop on Xiia

3) Stream from Grooveshark app. Works like a champ.

4) Stop GS playback.

5) Try to stream from Xiia again. It looks like it's playing but no audio can be heard.

6) Stop Xiia.

7) Play music from Play Music app. Works like a champ

8) Stop PM

9) Attempt to stream from Xiia. No audio.

10) Stream from Grooveshark app. Works like a champ

11) Play music via Play Music app. Works like a champ

12) Stream from Grooveshark app. Works like a champ

If I Force Stop Xiia, it will work again but obviously not a reasonable solution. Let me know if you need logs or anything.


Thanks for the detailed feedback. I'll be investigating the issue... There seem to be some issue with the Android audio focus. By the way you can set to ignore audio focus under settings->sounds. That should fix the issue temporarily.

Under review

Can you add support for saving the title and artist of the current artist song playing (eg. Tunewiki has the ability to email this info).

Kristov fa 14 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 14 anys 0
Eg. Email someone the current song title. At the minimum it would be nice to copy the info so that it can be posted and sent manually.
Good news for you ;) We have had the tagging feature way before TuneWiki ;) If you like a song press the tagMe button on the player. Once you do go to your tags. Long press a tag item and you will be provided with a few options. There you can click share or you can click edit and press copy tag to place it on the phones clipboard so that you can paste it anywhere you need.

Auto start stopped working recently

Blackwolf fa 10 anys 0
I had a Galaxy S3 what Xiia was working great on, and a few months back, the auto start/stop stopped working.  I have my phone connected to my Toyota Prius, and normally, when the Bluetooth connects, the car sends a "Play" command by Bluetooth.  After I started having the problem, the Bluetooth would connect, but nothing would start. When I use any controls in the car, nothing starts the player (play, pause, next, prev, etc) and no "playing song info" shows on the display.

I recently got a Samsung Note Edge from Verizon, which I returned and got a Note 4 (because you can't do Internet and voice calls at the same time, because it has only one modem instead of two  :\  ) and I am having the same problem.  If I start the player, the stop the car and start it again, it works, but after I leave for a while and come back, it does not work again.

I am thinking that maybe there is another rouge app taking over the "default media control" on my phone, so I am wondering it here is a way to force Xiia to stay the default (by setting the option any time a certain Bluetooth paring starts, for example) or have an app or screen I can go to so I can find what app it is that may be taking the control over, so I can delete it.

I know you have an "auto start" option, but that starts playing music out of the phone speaker before it connects to the car Bluetooth.  Also, when I am listening to a CD or FM when I start the car, it starts the player and wastes my data, because I am listening to a CD, but the player is still streaming.

Some AAC+ files plays in mono

Sandro Antonucci fa 13 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 11 anys 1
using this amazin app I realized that AAC+ streams weren't playing correctly (SBR wasn't applied) so I googled the problem and I read here that using the internal decoding (in beta I KNOW!) will solve it. It did fix it, quality is much better. But then I realized that some streams were decoded in mono (infact it shows 1ch) so I thought I would report this issue. It must be some different encoder those streams use.

By the way why using the phone decoder won't decode the correct way? I tried aac+ files (NOT STREAMS) in Music (standard android app) and the playback is correct.

Thank you
Currently resolved on latest versions of XiiaLive v3.

when I click the button of the earphone can not access the function of the phone call, but only turn off and on XiiaLive. What do i do?

Marlos Corage fa 13 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 13 anys 2
When I click the button of the earphone can not access the function of the phone call, but only turn off and on XiiaLive. What do i do?
In general if you have an incoming call the app will allow the answer button to work to answer a phone call, however when you are already using the app using this button to place a call I'm afraid it won't be possible. 

You could try going into XiiaLive->settings->User experience and make sure Media controls are set to OFF.  If that didn't help please let me know.  In that case we would want to provide an option to disable XiiaLive from taking over the call button.