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When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
- What device do you have?
- What OS version is it running?
- What happened?
- What did you expect to have happened?
- What steps reproduce the issue?
Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
share station link
As a regular user of xiialive for the past 5 years, have an observation to make.
Share station feature in Xiialive is found wanting as compared to say, TuneIn.
I'm listening to “Bhakti Vikasa Swami Radio” on #xiialive
I'm listening to Bhakti Vikasa Swami Radio on @TuneIn. #NowPlaying
What would it take to generate an url so that the recipients can be directed to the radio station by clicking on the link?
Thanks in advance,
Move to the next favorite - doesn't work on iOS
I've been using XiiaLive Pro on my Android phone for quite some time, and I'm very pleased with it. It does everything I expect it to do, and does it well.
However, I've just replaced my Android phone with an iPhone. I installed the iOS version of the application, stored my favorite radio stations and immediately noticed something wrong. In the Android version, a push of the Next button switches to the next station in my favorites list. Not on iOS, though. The Next/Previous buttons have absolutely no effect - neither in the app itself, nor on the bluetooth-connected device (assuming I'm using it in my car and trying to control it with my steering wheel buttons - something that works perfectly on Android).
I've got the payed version, so I don't think it's an intentionally locked down functionality - at least it shouldn't be.
What am I missing? How do you switch from one favorite to the next in the iOS version?
Thank you.
Clearing station history
I'm trying to see if I can clear my station history, but there doesn’t seem to be that option.
Is there a way that this can happen in a future version of the app?
Station not playing
I'm trying to listen to 92.5 The River on the XiiaLive app for iPhone, but it's refusing to play and am getting nothing but a Connecting message instead.
It was playing just fine 1 week ago, but now it's not.
The Swing Story
我是Hank Tzeng, The Swing Story 網站站長兼主要作者,同時也是個熱愛Swing Dance的Lindy Hopper,夢想是希望有朝一日能夠到世界各地與各方舞者們跳舞,而在走過一段路後,為了能清楚記錄下自己的學習成長過程,於是建立這個以Swing Dance搖擺舞為主題的部落格。
The Swing Story為華人圈最專業的Swing Dance搖擺舞部落格,主題包含Lindy Hop、Charleston、Blues、Balboa的基本介紹,以及爵士搖擺樂與Swing Jazz樂團的資料蒐集與整理,還有整個Swing Dance發展歷史的描述,另外還有全世界的知名活動介紹。並且將上述所有文章做過歸檔與整理,統整在Swing Dance搖擺舞精華文張列表,供有需要的朋友能夠輕鬆找到需要的資料,並降低新手朋友對於搖擺舞的資訊落差與不對等,減少新手在學習過程中少走些彎路,而這些都是The Swing Story成立的初衷與發展方向。
希望有朝一日台灣、中國、香港、澳門等地能夠具有Swing Dance搖擺舞界舉足輕重的地位,而這正是我們所引頸期盼的事情,也唯有The Swing Story繼續不斷努力的推廣才能讓更多的朋友認識這個有趣又美麗的舞蹈。
I can not disable change station sound
Hello this program is very good
but a part of program not working
for example :
i can not disable change station sound (bloooop)
Pro version and advertising
I bought the Pro version and my surprise was listening to up to 5 ads in just 4 minutes when the radio rang with the option of the alarm. Of course they were ads for the application and not the radio itself. Is it normal to hear advertising in the version in Pro version ?. Thank you.
premium isnt working on a new device
i had flipaclip on an old device but i recently got a new one and got flipaclip again. im using the same platform and email as my old phone but whn i tried to get premium again it didn't work.
Kundesupport af UserEcho