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Auto terminate desktop application when alarm clock stops
Is there an option (or maybe a plan for an option) that the application interface of XiiaLive can be terminated when the alarm clocks stopps playing sound automatically?
I currently use XiiaLive on a small system (Android 5.1 / 1 GB RAM). Typically there is running Kodi for having access to my vidoe library.
To wake up I use currently XiiaLive - so far everything is working fine - XiiaLive is sometimes stuttering when playing "RADIO GONG 97.1", but this does not bother me.
When the alarm is coming up, Kodi is pushed and stopped to background (I assume because of memory). Starting the alarm, Kodi is pushed to background and XiiaLive desktop appears with the "Mute..." Window on top. When the alarm automatically terminates after 30 minutes the mute option disappears but the window and the desktop interface stays.
Is there any option to automatically terminate the desktop application, too.
Would be fine to find Kodi up again after the alarm.
One thing in addition - leaving XiiaLive without stopping the stream manually causes the stream to run and run and run. I have to start XiiaLive again and to stop playing manually. Maybe you can have an eye on this ...
Thanks in advance
Alterar endereço de streaming / Change Streaming Address
Boa Tarde,
Como faço para alterar o endereço de sua estação de rádio não há app XiiaLive, mudamos de provedor e estamos em novo endereço
Equipe AD WEBRadio
Good afeternoon
Como altero o endereço da minha estação de rádio no aplicativo XiiaLive, altero o provedor e estamos em um novo endereço
AD WEBRadio Team
Thanks alot , its available here and on Google play as Mpya Mpya Radio >> Mpya Mpya Radio
Thanks alot , its available here and on Google play as Mpya Mpya Radio >> Mpya Mpya Radio
Can someone link me to where I can read up on Squeeze Box?
Can someone link me to where I can read up on Squeeze Box?
Connection Timeout
I am trying to listen to a local station, but instead get various error messages including a connection timeout. Could it be possibly the station or is it just the stream?
How do I report a station?
How do I report a station if it isn't playing? Is there a way to do so?
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