Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.
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Posting new bugs
When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
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- What OS version is it running?
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- What did you expect to have happened?
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106.7 KROQ Los Angeles no stream on wifi, only on data
Import station(s) from TuneIn
There was another post similar to this 2 years ago... so I was wondering if it's possible now
to import a station from TuneIn to XiiaLive? TuneIn is the only place I
can listen to this station, while rest of my stations are all through
I'd hate to completely switch to TuneIn, since I am used to this app which
pretty much works flawlessly.
At the moment we don't have any way to import stations from TuneIn. :( We are working hard on other awesome features and after those are complete we will be moving to a much improved way to handle your XiiaLive favorites.
Meanwhile, I recommend you try using the new directory UberStations, available for free on XiiaLive, to find some of your TuneIn favorite stations.
If you still can't find your favorite stations please read this post:
Shortcuts to autheticated stream
I am connecting to a stream that requires authentication (username and password) and Xiialive pro is connecting nicely to it. I can also save it as a favorite and this works. However, making a home-shortcut to the favorite, results in the app saying "invalid url". I am trying to set this up for an elderly lady, and this needs to be very simple for her (even searching under favorites is confuses her)
Would really appreciate any ideas
I'm not sure why you would get invalid URL after clicking on the shortcut. I would have thought at worst it would ask for the username and password again. Could you reproduce the issue and right after go to XiiaLive->Settings and press on "Bug report". This should hopefully provide enough details to figure out what is going on.
Use SD-card for cache?
Is it possible to use the SD-card for the cache location? I don't want to wear out my internal memory.
Hi Emochris,
we will keep it in mind for future releases.
customer URL and backup/restore DB are great, and requesting usage reset button.
This is a main reason to get/buy this application other than new wma support (great for BBC stations) after I found streamfurious failed on G2x and X10i.
Backup/restore station DB is a great idea to transfer data between devices painlessly.
BTW, may you add the usage reset button because my internet is unlimited, so I don't care how much I used.
Thank you!!!
[Off-topic] Crowdin resets all my Danish translations in XiiaLive project
I was working with Danish translation in XiiaLive project, but after i finished page 1 and 2, it resets all my translations for no reason TWICE and i have to start over. I downloaded the string.xml file to see if it was translated, but it wasn't. All strings are in english. why is that happen?
Hi Evildog,
We're moving to another much better platform for translations. You can use it and help us to translate XiiaLive.
This is the link:
Thanks a lot for your help! We really appreciate that.
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