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Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
Scrobble or API support?
I am able to receive scrobble intents (for scrobbledroid, etc.) from other media players and use those intents for this purpose, but it appears I cannot use xiialive because it does not currently broadcast scrobbling intents.
Is there an API or broadcast intents from xiaalive that I can use to get "now playing" information from xiaalive, specifically for shoutcast?
Thank you for your assistance.
Robert Thompson
* Broadcast sent out every time there is new metadata available.
* @Extra
public final static String ACTION_NOTIFY_METADATA = "com.vblast.xiialive.service.ACTION_NOTIFY_METADATA";
What particular scrobbler intents where you hopping us to support? Maybe we can implement them...
Stream doesn't stop correctly after bluetooth disconnect
Instead, it stays on my notifications as 'paused'. This caused another problem - after finishing work hours later I try to get back but with the BBC using temporary hashes on their streams this doesn't work. So I have to do a manual stop, wait a bit, then restart.
So there's a couple of requests here:
1. Have an option for closing the app completely on bluetooth disappearing.
2. Even if the station is in 'paused' state, after a short period of time reload the playlist and get the latest hash.
Thanks for a great app, far better than how TuneIn have ruined theirs with this social networking malarkey!
For this I open Dolphin, switch to the website and tried to start the stream by tapping on the link and choosing XiaLive as application. XiaLive opens but always says, that connection could not be established. Another player does play the stream without any problems.
Is there a build-in way to restrict xiia to WIFI only? I once forgot to turn on WIFI at home and thus spend quite some megabytes on my 3G connection listening to streams with xiia.
If not, such an option would be awesome :)
pleas add a Function to reconnect indefinitely
Update 2.1.8v will have a better reconnecting logic. If there is no network connection it will wait until network connection is available and it will retry to connect as opposed currently just trying continuously...
Update 06/02/11:
Update v2.1.9 has improved this area. Better reconnection logic has been added, which will only try to reconnect if there is a valid connection, otherwise it waits until a valid connection is available. Also, unlimited retry option has been added, please note this option is only available on the paid version.
cyrillic stations names
I put the station name in cyrillic letters myself, in "Sender ändern/Name" (in english perhaps: Favorites/LONG PRESS/Modify/"Change station" page/"Name" field). But it doesn't display that name in the Player window. It keeps displaying the original file name, as ascii, from the m3uFor station names in latin letters, the station is displayed exactly as I have modified it. Version is paid, Android 4.1.
(It happens for 2 stations, one was originally cyrillic utf8 file name, making strange ascii, one was originally file name in latin letters and displays as such)
That's the name I set myself, t=
<station dc="1381285569315" pc="6" scb="192" scm="audio/mpeg" sc="" sm="application/pls-id" su="1383556" e="UTF-8" c="rus" t="Радио "Комсомальская правда" в Москве - 97,2FM -"/>
We have no plans to directly support DLNA at the moment. However, there are some 3rd party apps that support DLNA and work with XiiaLive.
We recommend BubbleUPnP UPnP/DLNA.
m3u file default application
I'm not sue where the source of this problem is, but when I open an M3U file (via Astro) and tell Android to always open M3U files with Xiialive (lite), it works fine until I restart my phone. After booting, the default M3U association is taken away from XiiaLive and I once again have to tell Android what program to use when opening that type of file. Do you know what could be causing this problem? It's very frustrating, since I use Tasker to open an streaming M3U in XiiaLive as an alarm clock. but it never turns on if it's stuck on the screen asking what program to open it with.
Some Android OS's have issues with remembering associations. In this case I believe its an issue with your device.
2 Applications Always Start on Bluetooth Remote Control
We are investigating... Thanks for your feedback!
Update 02/21/11:
There is an option to disable XiiaLive from taking over the media controls under Settings "User experience" -> "media controls" to OFF. However there are a couple few details we need to resolve.
Update 06/01/11:
Update v2.1.9 has resolved this issue.
Stability Issues on Galaxy S3
XiiaLive Pro
A couple of minor issues that affect Galaxy S3 I9305 running 4.1.1, but not Galaxy S running 2.3.6 (tested on stock ROMs with no other apps installed).
1) Smart recovery is not as effective. Running a Shoutcast 128kbps stream, it will drop out within ~2 seconds after connection loss. On the Galaxy S it will continue for ~15 seconds with no connection, as expected.
2) The app will often half freeze with a choppy connection. By that I mean it will not continue playing the stream, even when the connection returns. It will open/close and respond to menu touches, but not Rewind, Stop, Play/Pause, or Forward. The only way to get it functioning again is to either clear the app from the memory with Task Manager, or hold the Stop button until the bottom of the app reads "SERVICE CRASHED!". It then responds as normal.
1. When you say drop out do you mean the stream gets restarted or does the audio just goes out and buffering state is active? This is an area I'm planning to improve on a new and improved stream engine I'm working on.
2. Could you try to reproduce the freeze issue and collect the logs? Could potentially allow me to see where things could be going bad...
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