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Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

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Posting new bugs

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Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

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Alarm is not being triggered

Joschi il y a 10 ans dans Android / Alarms mis à jour par Jona (Lead Developer) il y a 9 ans 6
Hi Xiia Team,

Xiia was the first real cool app on my smartphone...and because of that I bought the pro version.

Everything works so cool...and I never had any problems! But since a few days... the alarm clock is not working correct anymore! Sometimes the alarm dont start in the morning though I have set the alarm everyday to 8 o`clock!

I noticed that everytime I went to bed I must go to --> Settings--> Alarms and then I must save the alarm settings again so that it really works in the morning! Thats a real strange behaviour! Do you know that problem????

Among other I bought Xiia because of that cool alarm fetaure!!!

My Device: Jiayu G3T

Many thanks in advance for your help!
Jona (Lead Developer) il y a 9 ans

We have released v3.3.1.3 which contains various small fixes for the Alarms. If you are still having issues please let us know.


unable to play mp3 on nexus 7 - error: unexpected stop, fail to connect

Krzysztof Byszewski il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Brian Heess (brian213) il y a 7 ans 5


I am unable to play mp3 on my nexus 7 tablet (adroid 4.1.2).

When I pick up mp3 file through file explorer and ask top open it using XiiaLite I got message at the bottom:

Fail to connect

Unexpected stop

Internet raio is working and mp3 can be played in other player

When I tried FLAC file I got: service crashed.

Jona (Lead Developer) il y a 8 ans

Hi Joseph,

actually you can try it, open the mp3 file using some folder explorer app and then select XiiaLive to open it.

Please, let me know about your feedback.




On 2.2 app gets into infinite ' stopping' state when stopping premium di.fm or sky.fm streams.

Anonyme il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Jona (Lead Developer) il y a 13 ans 6
On 2.2 app gets into infinite ' stopping' state when stopping premium di.fm or sky.fm streams. Need to task kill to proceed. Does not happen with non premium content. Aac.
Jona (Lead Developer) il y a 13 ans
Thanks for your feedback. We did see this issue very rarely and it's hard to reproduce for us. But we believe our next update should resolve some of this issues.

Invalid url

mag13 gulliUser il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Jona (Lead Developer) il y a 11 ans 0

Every station I try xiia says invalid url. 

Could anybody help me? 

Jona (Lead Developer) il y a 11 ans

This has been an issue before caused by SHOUTcast and has been resolved. If you are still having issues please let us know.


Android 14

maize02 il y a 4 semaines 0

There are already several posts about XiiaLive not working with Andorid 14.  I bought the pro version over a decade ago and those few bucks were some of the best I spent.  I am sure it isn't cheap to put more investment into app development to update it to the new Android security requirements.  I just want to say that I would be willing to fork over some money to get the app back up and running on the newer versions of Android.  I know there are likely a lot of folks out there that feel the same way.  What would it take to get it working again?


some url in m3u8 formats that were used to play without any issues do not play anymore. Can you help with that issue. Here is the url that does not play anymore. https://d275a9tp5dqxmg.cloudfront.net/sonora.m3u8

Jose M. il y a 11 mois 0

some url in m3u8 formats that were used to play without any issues do not play anymore. Can you help with that issue. Here is the url that does not play anymore. https://d275a9tp5dqxmg.cloudfront.net/sonora.m3u8



Tracy il y a 1 an 0

Apple version needs updated to match the android version . I’m very upset in purchased the apple version thinking it would be the exact same as my android version.


Xiialive Pro ver has been detected as viruses

Hanif Permana il y a 1 an mis à jour par Gabor il y a 1 an 1

This app Xiialive ver is being detected as Viruses as name "Android:Evo-gen[Trojan]" because by Avast on my Oppo Reno 10x Zoom (Android 12). Please, is this information true or false? Please repair it or update because this version is too old. Thanks before then.

Image 255

Image 256

Sleep timer ios

Tracy il y a 2 ans 0

It looked like there was going to be an update for a sleep times like android. That wasA drew years ago. No updates in years.


playing audio when app is in the background

Lear il y a 2 ans 0

Is there a way to have the audio keep playing from the iPhone XiiaLive app when the app is in the background? I’m not closing the app it’s just not the main one in use and if I switch to another app the audio stops playing.

Thank you!