Welcome to the official XiiaLive support forum! You can ask questions and get direct support from the developer.

Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

Please post under one of the following:

If you have a question or idea, start by typing it in the box provided and search below under similar topics to see if you can find an answer. If you don’t find an answer then simply post a new question or idea.

If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.

Posting new bugs

When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.

Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!


ZIROOP 3 jaar geleden 0

Please add the following station to your service:

Station name: ZIROOP Radio

Genere: EDM

Streaming URL: http://ziroopradio.ice.infomaniak.ch/ziroopradio-48.mp3

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/ziroop_radio/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/ziroop


Android Auto

Cpo 3 jaar geleden 0

When will there be Android Auto support?  I want to be able to use the app in my vehicle!


App keeps stopping randomly

Rav 3 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door متجر التطبيقات منصة شليله 3 jaar geleden 1

I have a Samsung s10+, android version 11, and the app keeps stopping randomly, it will play for a bit and stop for no reason at all, doesn't matter if screen in off or on, my internet connection is working fine. It's so frustrating! I really love the app, and want to keep using bit need this issue fixed. Please fix asap!


XiiaLive Pro uses TLSv1 for secure streams

chuckuf 4 jaar geleden 0


Noticed that XiiaLive Pro was no longer connecting to a secure (https) icecast server after it had been recently migrated to a new version of CentOS(8) and Icecast 2.4.4 compiled from source

I saved a bug report which can be found below.

Noticed the following line(s)....

10-22 17:37:30.902 E/ffmpeg (10964): Unable to negotiate TLS/SSL session

Unfortunately doesn't provide much more info, so I manned in the middled the network connection and wireshark showed the following while trying to the the Icecast server....

TLSv1 73 Alert (Level: Fatal, Description: Protocol Version)

It appears XiiaLive Pro (ffmpeg?) appears to try and make a TLSv1 connection to the server ?

TLSv1 protocol has been depricated and so many servers no longer support connecting using using this and TLSv1.1...


XiiaLive Pro= (30062) google
ANDROID=10 (29)
MODEL=Google (Pixel)
--------- beginning of main
10-22 17:32:24.062 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 4, extras: null, fromTouch: false activePage=5
10-22 17:32:24.125 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 4
10-22 17:32:24.607 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 0, extras: null, fromTouch: false activePage=4
10-22 17:32:24.672 V/DownloadService(10915): onCreate()
10-22 17:32:24.674 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 0
10-22 17:32:24.677 V/DownloadService(10915): :: NOTHING TO LOAD ::
10-22 17:32:24.688 W/DownloadService(10915): NO MORE WORKERS! KILLING!
10-22 17:32:24.689 W/DirectoryProvider(10915): query() -> queryId: 0, uri: content://com.vblast.dir.shoutcast.provider.DirectoryProvider/top_hits
10-22 17:32:24.690 V/DownloadService(10915): onDestroy()
10-22 17:32:25.863 V/ActivityMain(10915): doUnbindService()
10-22 17:34:21.014 W/MediaService(10964): WATCHDOG :: Kill!
10-22 17:34:21.030 W/libxl (10964): virtual void MediaPlayer::handleMessage(Message*): CMD_STOP_PLAYBACK :: Invalid state=0
10-22 17:34:21.030 V/MediaPlayer(10964): resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
10-22 17:34:21.030 V/MediaPlayer(10964): cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
10-22 17:34:21.051 V/MediaPlayer(10964): resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
10-22 17:34:21.051 V/MediaPlayer(10964): cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
10-22 17:34:21.055 V/MediaPlayer(10964): resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
10-22 17:34:21.055 V/MediaPlayer(10964): cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
10-22 17:34:21.064 V/MediaPlayer(10964): resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
10-22 17:34:21.064 V/MediaPlayer(10964): cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
10-22 17:34:21.069 V/MediaPlayer(10964): resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
10-22 17:34:21.069 V/MediaPlayer(10964): cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
10-22 17:34:21.075 V/MediaPlayer(10964): resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
10-22 17:34:21.075 V/MediaPlayer(10964): cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
10-22 17:34:21.080 W/libxl (10964): int Playlist::cancel(): Nothing cooking!
10-22 17:34:21.080 W/libxl (10964): int Player::stop(): Invalid state=4
10-22 17:34:21.080 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::disconnect(): Already disconnected!
10-22 17:34:21.087 V/MediaPlayer(10964): resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
10-22 17:34:21.087 V/MediaPlayer(10964): cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
10-22 17:35:49.641 W/ActivityThread(10915): handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@40b4d44
10-22 17:35:49.696 W/ActivityThread(10915): handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@acf5fae
10-22 17:35:49.772 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 0, extras: Bundle[{}], fromTouch: false activePage=-1
10-22 17:35:49.774 V/ActivityMain(10915): doBindService() -> caller: onStart()
10-22 17:35:49.820 W/System (10915): A resource failed to call close.
10-22 17:35:49.822 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 0
10-22 17:35:49.906 V/DownloadService(10915): onCreate()
10-22 17:35:49.912 V/DownloadService(10915): :: NOTHING TO LOAD ::
10-22 17:35:49.920 W/DownloadService(10915): NO MORE WORKERS! KILLING!
10-22 17:35:49.921 W/DirectoryProvider(10915): query() -> queryId: 0, uri: content://com.vblast.dir.shoutcast.provider.DirectoryProvider/top_hits
10-22 17:35:49.931 V/DownloadService(10915): onDestroy()
10-22 17:35:50.097 W/System (10964): A resource failed to call close.
10-22 17:35:50.157 V/ActivityMain(10915): onServiceConnected()
10-22 17:35:50.162 V/MediaService(10964): CALL_STATE_IDLE
10-22 17:35:50.162 W/MediaService(10964): Network state changed! reason=null
10-22 17:35:52.750 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 7, extras: Bundle[{subpage=-1}], fromTouch: true activePage=0
10-22 17:35:52.800 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 7
10-22 17:37:03.264 V/ActivityMain(10915): doUnbindService()
10-22 17:37:09.658 V/ActivityMain(10915): doBindService() -> caller: onStart()
10-22 17:37:09.705 V/ActivityMain(10915): onServiceConnected()
10-22 17:37:20.447 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 0, extras: null, fromTouch: false activePage=7
10-22 17:37:20.533 V/DownloadService(10915): onCreate()
10-22 17:37:20.535 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 0
10-22 17:37:20.539 V/DownloadService(10915): :: NOTHING TO LOAD ::
10-22 17:37:20.539 W/DownloadService(10915): NO MORE WORKERS! KILLING!
10-22 17:37:20.540 W/DirectoryProvider(10915): query() -> queryId: 0, uri: content://com.vblast.dir.shoutcast.provider.DirectoryProvider/top_hits
10-22 17:37:20.541 V/DownloadService(10915): onDestroy()
10-22 17:37:21.725 V/ActivityMain(10915): doUnbindService()
10-22 17:37:24.837 W/ActivityThread(10915): handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@ea2fa58
10-22 17:37:24.879 W/ActivityThread(10915): handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@d588422
10-22 17:37:24.952 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 0, extras: Bundle[{}], fromTouch: false activePage=-1
10-22 17:37:24.954 V/ActivityMain(10915): doBindService() -> caller: onStart()
10-22 17:37:24.976 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 0
10-22 17:37:24.976 V/ActivityMain(10915): onServiceConnected()
10-22 17:37:25.056 V/DownloadService(10915): onCreate()
10-22 17:37:25.059 V/DownloadService(10915): :: NOTHING TO LOAD ::
10-22 17:37:25.068 W/DownloadService(10915): NO MORE WORKERS! KILLING!
10-22 17:37:25.068 W/DirectoryProvider(10915): query() -> queryId: 0, uri: content://com.vblast.dir.shoutcast.provider.DirectoryProvider/top_hits
10-22 17:37:25.076 V/DownloadService(10915): onDestroy()
10-22 17:37:25.092 W/System (10915): A resource failed to call close.
10-22 17:37:26.054 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 4, extras: Bundle[{subpage=-1}], fromTouch: true activePage=0
10-22 17:37:26.241 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 4
10-22 17:37:28.872 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 5, extras: null, fromTouch: false activePage=4
10-22 17:37:28.913 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 5
10-22 17:37:28.913 V/ActivityMain(10915): startPlayback() - data: 33 mime: application/db-fav
10-22 17:37:28.915 V/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_BG_START_PLAYBACK_REQUEST :: requestId=2
10-22 17:37:28.941 V/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_START_PLAYBACK :: requestId=2
10-22 17:37:28.944 W/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_MEDIA_INFO_UPDATE
10-22 17:37:28.944 W/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_MEDIA_INFO_UPDATE
10-22 17:37:28.953 W/AudioManager(10964): Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
10-22 17:37:28.953 W/AudioManager(10964): See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case
10-22 17:37:29.000 W/FA (10964): Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
10-22 17:37:29.062 I/DroidLivePlaye(10915): Background concurrent copying GC freed 17448(1000KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 5889KB/11MB, paused 65us total 119.353ms
10-22 17:37:29.129 E/ffmpeg (10964): Unable to negotiate TLS/SSL session
10-22 17:37:29.129 E/libxl (10964): void LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR(int): LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR :: fferror [-5='I/O error']
10-22 17:37:29.129 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::downloadThread(): Initial connect error!
10-22 17:37:29.129 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::disconnect(): Already disconnected!
10-22 17:37:30.631 W/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_MEDIA_INFO_UPDATE
10-22 17:37:30.660 W/AudioManager(10964): Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
10-22 17:37:30.660 W/AudioManager(10964): See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case
10-22 17:37:30.763 W/FA (10964): Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
10-22 17:37:30.902 E/ffmpeg (10964): Unable to negotiate TLS/SSL session
10-22 17:37:30.904 E/libxl (10964): void LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR(int): LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR :: fferror [-5='I/O error']
10-22 17:37:30.904 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::downloadThread(): Initial connect error!
10-22 17:37:30.905 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::disconnect(): Already disconnected!
10-22 17:37:32.407 W/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_MEDIA_INFO_UPDATE
10-22 17:37:32.434 W/AudioManager(10964): Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
10-22 17:37:32.434 W/AudioManager(10964): See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case
10-22 17:37:32.527 I/oteMediaServic(10964): Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1921(249KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(104KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 1230KB/1665KB, paused 9.801ms total 44.866ms
10-22 17:37:32.540 W/FA (10964): Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
10-22 17:37:32.652 E/ffmpeg (10964): Unable to negotiate TLS/SSL session
10-22 17:37:32.653 E/libxl (10964): void LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR(int): LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR :: fferror [-5='I/O error']
10-22 17:37:32.653 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::downloadThread(): Initial connect error!
10-22 17:37:32.653 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::disconnect(): Already disconnected!
10-22 17:37:34.156 W/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_MEDIA_INFO_UPDATE
10-22 17:37:34.174 W/AudioManager(10964): Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
10-22 17:37:34.175 W/AudioManager(10964): See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case
10-22 17:37:34.227 W/FA (10964): Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
10-22 17:37:34.346 E/ffmpeg (10964): Unable to negotiate TLS/SSL session
10-22 17:37:34.347 E/libxl (10964): void LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR(int): LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR :: fferror [-5='I/O error']
10-22 17:37:34.347 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::downloadThread(): Initial connect error!
10-22 17:37:34.347 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::disconnect(): Already disconnected!
10-22 17:37:35.849 W/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_MEDIA_INFO_UPDATE
10-22 17:37:35.873 W/AudioManager(10964): Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
10-22 17:37:35.873 W/AudioManager(10964): See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case
10-22 17:37:35.966 W/FA (10964): Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
10-22 17:37:36.409 E/ffmpeg (10964): Unable to negotiate TLS/SSL session
10-22 17:37:36.411 E/libxl (10964): void LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR(int): LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR :: fferror [-5='I/O error']
10-22 17:37:36.411 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::downloadThread(): Initial connect error!
10-22 17:37:36.412 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::disconnect(): Already disconnected!
10-22 17:37:37.914 W/MediaPlayerHelper(10964): MSG_MAIN_MEDIA_INFO_UPDATE
10-22 17:37:37.931 W/AudioManager(10964): Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
10-22 17:37:37.931 W/AudioManager(10964): See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case
10-22 17:37:38.001 W/FA (10964): Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
10-22 17:37:38.610 E/ffmpeg (10964): Unable to negotiate TLS/SSL session
10-22 17:37:38.612 E/libxl (10964): void LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR(int): LOG_FFMPEG_ERROR :: fferror [-5='I/O error']
10-22 17:37:38.612 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::downloadThread(): Initial connect error!
10-22 17:37:38.612 W/libxl (10964): int Downloader::disconnect(): Already disconnected!
10-22 17:37:42.831 V/ActivityMain(10915): showPage() -> page: 7, extras: Bundle[{subpage=-1}], fromTouch: true activePage=5
10-22 17:37:42.857 V/ActivityMain(10915): onShowPage() -> page: 7


Update this app for support Android 10.0 and latest

Hanif Permana 4 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 4 jaar geleden 0

Hello sir.. This app version (Xiialive Pro is too old and no update too long about 3 years ago.... Please can update this latest app version for support Android 10.0 or more. At least this new version possibly to support dark mode and 21:9 screen. Thank you for my trust all this time. I'm a loyal user of this app for streaming since 9 years ago. (Using OPPO Reno 10x Zoom CPH1919, Android 10)


no longer start via bluetooth after update android 10

FgN 4 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door منصة شليله 4 jaar geleden 1

After the update to android 10 xiialive no longer wants to start without helping. Not after a phone call either.


Grüezi from Zurich I can no longer get the Radio Swiss Pop channel properly The connection doesn't work. !!! Can you change the request again. Many thanks to Karl Ecker

Karl Ecker 4 jaar geleden 0

Grüezi from Zurich
I can no longer get the Radio Swiss Pop channel properly
The connection doesn't work. !!! Can you change the request again. Many thanks to Karl Ecker



lrinker 4 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door منصةشليله 4 jaar geleden 1

Rock - Mansfield Texas Community Radio 

How do I put my FlipaClip on a new phone without losing my stuff

Tigers 4 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door منصةشليله 4 jaar geleden 3

Add new station

Eug 5 jaar geleden 0

Hi. Please add also this station from Romania:  

- Name: Rock FM Bucuresti

- Web: https://www.rockfm.ro/

- Stream:   http://live.rockfm.ro:9128/rockfm.aacp
