Welcome to the official XiiaLive support forum! You can ask questions and get direct support from the developer.

Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

Please post under one of the following:

If you have a question or idea, start by typing it in the box provided and search below under similar topics to see if you can find an answer. If you don’t find an answer then simply post a new question or idea.

If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.

Posting new bugs

When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.

Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
Under review

1620am WDHP the reef

lyrhea bryan 12 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому 1
Under review

Please build the functionality, if I tag in XiiaLive, it should automatically favourite that song in Last.fm when scrobbling is enabled

Rajhesh Panchanadhan 12 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому 1

Please build the functionality, if I tag in XiiaLive, it should automatically favourite that song in Last.fm when scrobbling is enabled.

I am not aware if this functionality already exists

Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому

We currently have the option to scrobble all songs played to Last.fm.  We don't scrobble tagged tracks.  However that could be a possible option.

Є відповідь

How to quit the app? Stop button missing

Ecouteur 10 років тому оновлено Ralph 9 років тому 1
I didn't find a way to quit the app. Didn't find a button for that.
After stopping a radio stream and load another app, the xiialive seems to further run in the backgroud and use ressources... until the end of time!

How to solve this? Thanks
Є відповідь

Shortcut to favorite from home screen doesn't work but selecting favorite from player does

Darryl Yong 12 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому 8

I have XiiaLive Pro.


I have a bunch of favorites saved, and I'd like to make shortcuts to them on my home screen. I know to make these shortcuts, but the problem is that when I use them, XiiaLive Pro fails to connect to them. The problem is not with the station, however, because I can select the exact same favorite from the player itself and the station will load.


The problem is only when starting playback using shortcuts from the home screen.


What's going on?

Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому

Issue resolved on release v3.0.1!

Є відповідь


deaddmail 12 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому 0
when is the beta version goning to get latest set of patches and become the supported new release  3 months is a while. 
Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому
Yep, agreed. Problem with the delays is mainly that I'm the only one working on it... :( Time isn't enough. But I'm working hard to try to get this out ASAP!
Є відповідь

How do you get a Playlist into XiiaLive, and how to get it to play?

Анонім 14 років тому оновлено Horacio Baulies 9 років тому 8
XiiaLive says it supports playlists, but I'll be damned if I can find out HOW to get a Winamp playlist into XiiaLive and playing.
Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому
Playlist support has gone a long way and should work perfectly on the latest releases of XiiaLive.
Under review

Choppy stuttering audio on Samsung infuse 2.2.1 [XiiaLive 2.2.4]

Roman Greenspan 13 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому 0
Aac + streams choppy the first time. When stop and play again it resolves. please fix.
Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому

Are you still having similar issues?

Will be answered

Version comparison page to show the features between the free and paid versions?

Marty321 14 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 14 років тому 1
It would be great to see a page on the Xiialive website that shows a feature comparison between the free and paid version, so we know why to upgrade to the paid version.
Jona (Lead Developer) 14 років тому
Thanks for your feedback! Yes, we definitely need this on our website. I'll get something out to the person in charge of the website.
Thanks again!
Under review

Only buffer

Barna Dávid 12 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому 0

 Hi! I have got a big problem with Xiia lite. I try to open a random stream, but Xiia is not able to play it, just buffering instead. Starting the stream, prebuffers for about 10 secs, and then tries to open the stream but drops connection and buffering, buffering, buffering all the time. Only i can hear is the constant annoying buffer sound. Xiia does it whether i open a stream in top stations or open an m3u or pls file, or give an URL manually. I use stabile Wifi connection with 20 Mbps down and 10 Mbps up speed. What is the problem there?

Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому

Two things.

1. You can actually turn off the notification sounds ;)

2. What device do you have and what version of Android is it running?

Є відповідь

XiiaLive v3.0.1.1 - release notes

Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому оновлений 11 років тому 1

Release date:



New update is out! This new update focuses on few main features. 

1. Revised alarm feature. The alarms feature needed some love and care and now they have been improved big time! You will now be able to snooze a triggered alarm, also we added two new settings options for alarms. The new alarm setting options allow you to change the volume fading length and also the snooze length. Another great improvement is that when alarm playback fails a default alarm ringtone will be triggered.

2. Updated the menu bar items order. It has been suggested many times by many of you that going from the player to favorites was a bit awkward or just not quick enough. You first needed to swipe all the way to the left and finally click on favorites. Now favorites is conveniently located to the left of the player and history to the right. Now it feels much better and quicker! Hope you feel the same way!

3. New Status bar notifications! The new notifications will allow you to quickly turn off playback by clicking on the X and control PREV/NEXT/PAUSE. *Note that PREV/NEXT are only supported by XiiaLive Pro version. *The new notifications are only available on devices running Android 4.0 and greater. 

Don't have XiiaLive already? Get it here!

Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому

New features:

- New status bar playback controls. Prev/Next/Pause/Play/Quit options. Android 4.0 < only.

- New lock screen playback controls enable/disable settings option.

- Added new Czech and Lithuanian translations.

- New AVRCP metadata hack enable/disable option.

- New alarm snooze feature.

Changes and improvements:

- Alarm feature completely revised and updated.

- Alarm media playback fail now triggers defaul alarm ringtone.

- Alarm editor now support 24hr format.

- Equalizer updates. No longer use global audio sessionId.

- Reordered menu bar for quicker access to favorites.

- Stations list smoother scrolling experience.

- Media service revised and optimized.

- Various translation updates.

- Last.fm scrobble fixed.

- Removed STICKY_BROADCAST permission.

- Improved cue point event triggering checks.


- Android media error -38 bug.

- Android aac streamer broken for some devices.

- List scrolling jump when reaching end of list.