Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.
Please post under one of the following:
If you have a question or idea, start by typing it in the box provided and search below under similar topics to see if you can find an answer. If you don’t find an answer then simply post a new question or idea.
If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.
Posting new bugs
When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
- What device do you have?
- What OS version is it running?
- What happened?
- What did you expect to have happened?
- What steps reproduce the issue?
Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
id3, coverart
Favorite channel is not streaming
Please help!!!
On an Apple iphone 6
Hey, we looked over the issue and modified some things with Facebook. It might help. Where did you download the app from? Could you try clearing XiiaLive cache and Facebook app cache to see if things work? Please know that clearing the cache will erase all content from XiiaLive. Also, it will cause the Facebook app to ask you to log back in. Thanks!
finding a local station
Local Radio & EQ not functioning
In regards to the EQ, we have had various reported issues that we fixed and others that were simply caused by the Android OS. We will soon remove the current EQ and add a new and improve EQ system that will work on every device.
widget prev/next buttons no longer working
The lock screen buttons still work fine. I'm a paid user running XiiaLive beta on a Galaxy Nexus. (Verizon, so I'm a build behind, 4.0.4) >= \
I'm using the XiiaLive Beta Main 4x2 widget. It has worked fine until recently. I noticed it wasn't changing stations.
I have looked over the code and realized there where things missing.... :/ good catch! It is now fixed and should be available on the next update.
IOS Alarm
Hi. I just changed my Android device with an Iphone and the first App that I bought was Xiialive, but surprise: no alarm function for the IOS version. Do you plan something here?
Hi Adi,
For some iOS limitations we can't include alarms on it. However, with iOS 9 we will investigate if it's possible.
URL not working
Cannot see *anywhere* that gives any kind of link to the URL.
Please advise on this.
Station Not Listed. Form Down and No Responce from SHOUTcast AOL email address. Oooops!
No Form | Key | E-mail Responce to Add Station
We’re Sorry. The SHOUTcast member profiles and DNAS 2.0 station registration forms are temporarily down due to a server migration. If you would like to get immediate help editing your SHOUTcast DNAS 2.0 details, or would like to register a new station, please email with details about your station.
Thank your for your patience.
-The SHOUTcast team.
how stream archived shows
Cant stream archived shows longer than 23 minutes. What can I do to get full shows?
Kundesupport af UserEcho