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When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.Common details we need:
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Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!
How do I close the app?
I don't have unlimited memory in my device and so I can't afford to leave apps running all the time.
I cannot find any way to close this app, except to open a task killer application.
This is not a good thing to do.
How do I close this app?
Thanks for your post! This is a common question and there is an answer! :)
XiiaLive stops working when you hit STOP button than you simply hit home or back button to close the app. You will still see a running process but you should see no running services.
Android keeps apps processes, which use memory, in case they are opened again. This is an optimization Android makes so that apps load faster. If Android needs more memory and XiiaLive is not playing any music Android simply closes the process and takes away the used memory.
So simply having a process running doesn't mean battery is being used or that the device memory is being clogged by the app.
Hope that my answer helps! Any questions let us know!
wma streams in FFmpeg mode.
Jona, I've tried listening to a number of wma url's which stream okay in android mode but appear to be connecting in FFmpeg, no buffering and the eventual message in the bottom corner is fail. One of the streams i use in android mode is:
Thanks again for your help.
The description on the settings "Stream engine" says that all formats except MPEG and AAC/AACP will always be streamed by FFmpeg. The MPEG and AAC/AACP are the only formats that you can pick if Android or FFmpeg should stream. Hope that answers your question.
Thanks for AVRCP 1.3 !!!
Now i see station name, artist and song just on the screen of my car receiver Kenwood BT61 ! Very nice! (Samsung Galaxy 2 + DI.FM )
Adding favorites from a computer
Is there some way to add favorites using an XML file prepared offline that is then "restored" to the phone? It would save a lot of time and fiddly typing using the on-screen keyboard.
Currently there isn't. However, we have plans to provide access to your favorites from any browser. There is no release date for this feature yet.
pocket change not working
After reinstall Xiialive I loose all my pocket change points (2235) and at "settings"->"pocket change store" not work
Dear development team of "XiiaLive,
I run the application XiiaLive on a S4 Galaxy, GT I9505, with Android 4.2.2.
Following URL's are in my favorites list:
Since the update from 08/11/2013 the skipping between the channels of my favorites list doesn’t work any longer !
By changing the channels the application-status remains in status "Prepare playlist " and the application fails completely!
Also, the "Stop-function" doesn’t work anymore. The stream doesn’t change into "hold" status , but the application remains in status "Stopping" and is no longer usable as well ! Some streams only load to 99 % and then remain also with the status of " pre-loading 99 % " .
The error does not occur when using a wireless network! Error occurs to the "Pro " version as well as for the “for free version” !
Error 403 any time I'm trying to download de XiiaLive app from Google Play.
Minimum data rate does not work
hi there just a big thanks to you
What is the xiialive Pro version?
What is the Pro version? (of course meaning what are its additional features and benefits)
Yes I do like the player. Veryyyy.
( and please, the links to Google Play on please do open in a new window, target="google" for example in html)
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