Welcome to the official XiiaLive support forum! You can ask questions and get direct support from the developer.

Please note that we are a team with one developer and one graphics designer. We like to personally answer posts but aren't always able to do so as quickly as we would like to. In order to help us become more efficient, please follow the steps below when posting new questions, ideas or bugs.

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If you spotted a bug and you want to let us know about it, first try searching for OPEN bug posts with similar issues and add any details you think might help us with it. Also, make sure to up vote the OPEN bug post so we know how critical it is. If no OPEN bug posts are found simply post a new one.

Posting new bugs

When you post new bugs please give us as many details as you can! This will help us resolve issues quickly and easily.

Common details we need:
  1. What device do you have?
  2. What OS version is it running?
  3. What happened?
  4. What did you expect to have happened?
  5. What steps reproduce the issue?

Don't have the app yet? Get XiiaLive or XiiaLive Pro now for Android! Or get XiiaLive for iOS!

Can't rewind back on Xiialive

Nanren 8 år siden opdateret af Jona (Lead Developer) 8 år siden 3

After i update Xiialive, i can't rewind back anymore and i'm very disappointed because it is a important feature. Stop making new bug and fix it right now.

Youtube video

Jona (Lead Developer) 8 år siden

We released XiiaLive beta testers only. Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into it and set a fix today.

Under vurdering

ios equalizer

mcboy 8 år siden opdateret af Ralph 8 år siden 1

please add an equalizer for iphone 6. Thanks!


AirPlay support

rojustic 8 år siden opdateret af anonymous 8 år siden 3

how can inise the app to play stations to my AirPlay connected speakers?

Ralph 8 år siden

Hello! Apologies for any delay in our response. The iOS version of XiiaLive supports Airplay. Unfortunately it doesn't support the Android version.


Reporting insufficient space to install

byacreek 8 år siden opdateret af Jona (Lead Developer) 8 år siden 8

My Samsung Infuse, Android version 4.4.4, had XiiaLive Pro installed on it for some time. No problems. My phone developed a problem that I still don't understand (system processes were force closing constantly). I uninstalled a number of apps, including XiiaLive, and moved some others to the SD card, to clean it up and get it working again. It is better, although still not sure about it. When I try to reinstall XiiaLive I get an insufficient space error and it fails during the install. It appears to download OK. I'm trying to figure out what the space issue is. I think it should have plenty of space, and I have installed or reinstalled other apps without trouble, including TuneIn, which I've done temporarily in order to have a radio app. Any help with diagnosing the problem is appreciated.


screen off = constant knocking sound

him 8 år siden opdateret af Nanren 8 år siden 2

I am considering paying for the app IF it will stop the horrible constant knocking sounds that result when the HTI 816 screen is off. When I use USA Radio, TuneIn or iHeart, with screen off, there are NO problems. Will the knocking noise STOP with the PRO version?


Any possibility of making our own custom theme?

Ian R-P 8 år siden opdateret 8 år siden 4

The current themes are nice for portrait and landscape mode on smaller devices, once you get onto larger tablets they don't work out so well or rather space could be used much more efficiently.

For example, I personally hate seeing album art as I find it a complete waste of screen space. With the Classic Light theme selected on my Nexus 7, I would personally much rather have the right sidebar (search/favorites/player/settings..etc) always open OR on the left side I would add bar listing my favorites for easy selection rather than having to constantly go back to the Favorites area. As well I would expand the current playback bar to the entire width, moving the play/stop/next buttons up and add full width volume slider, very large prev/play/stop/next buttons above the volume...etc.

Actually after writing that out, I'm after a theme that is much more car user friendly. I have a customized device in my dash and the current themes don't look good or operate well in landscape.

Jona (Lead Developer) 8 år siden

Thanks for the post about this topic. So yeah the app design was never optimized for larger devices. For sure we want to optimize it but we just don't have enough time.

We are open to suggestions and if any designer wants to create a skin for the app we are open to talk about it! We would mainly want to see previous work before tipping our hats... :)


History Not Clearing

Mikaela Arsenault 8 år siden opdateret 8 år siden 6

Whenever I try to clear the search history, the result or results does not clear and it does nothing.

Jona (Lead Developer) 8 år siden

So the answer is no. While using UberStations the auto complete list is just suggestions coming from a server based on the text you are writing, not a search history. However, when using the SHOUTcast directory the search auto complete shows you only search history suggestions. This can't be cleared at the moment. I'm guessing that is what you are seeing maybe? In any case improving the search history auto complete with clear option will be worked on soon.


unsupported media @ shoutcast

fuhmic 8 år siden opdateret af Nanren 8 år siden 1

I've switched through 10 stations. Only 1 was working. The others had unsupported media error. Example: bigbeatradio.com works via winamp and vlc on pc but not in this app.


Cannot skip through favorites without trying to connect to each first

David Sink 8 år siden 0

I used to be able to quickly skip through my favorites using the forward/backward skip buttons until I found the favorite station I was looking for. Now, since 1 or 2 app updates ago, I have to wait for each favorite to try connecting before it will allow me to skip to the next (if you try pressing skip before the player has tried connecting, it stays on the same favorite it is currently trying to load). This is very annoying when you have a lot of favorites to cycle through. Please fix the ability to keep skipping through favorites without waiting for the player to try connecting.

I'm on version

Under vurdering

Xiialive take long time to buffering and freezing my device

Patrick Jepsen 8 år siden opdateret 8 år siden 3

I joined the beta version and updated to Xiialive take very long buffer on any stations and freezing my device. 30 sec later, it will play audio but still at 00:00:00. when i try to seek, it goes back to 00:00:00

Please give me Xiialive Pro version.

I reported bug here:

XiiaLive Pro= (30049) google

SETTINGS_DUMP={skin_theme=0, notification_recovery_volume=0.0, alarm_fade_enabled=false, animation_enabled=false, prebuffer_length=5000, lock_screen_ctrls_enabled=false, data_guard_enabled=false, notification_volume=0.0, headset_unplug_stop_enabled=false, stream_cache_length=3600000, unlimited_retries_enabled=true}

Kundesupport af UserEcho